For those who play WoW

i thought this is funny… in a sense lol shows how WoW changes your life lol.

fuck my life.

seems about right.

Off Topic: I wish I could grow a Jew-fro.

Is that PC? Meh.

LOL funny vid billy

yes PC/MAC

I meant is it politically correct on calling it a Jew-fro? lol :nerd:


and lol @ what billy posted

LOL oh, id… say yes :spank:

anyone see the World of Warcraft South Park?


i did. i didnt like it. i didnt really care for it because i grew out of south park since 7th grade.

fuckin awesome episode…lol

but you still play WoW :roflpicard:

That was a great episode, the newer one about the guinea pigs/ peruvian flute bands was great too

Those pics are backwards, I remember seeing them posted as a weight loss, but still funny

yes i still play, but not as NEARLY as much i as did when it first came out.

haha well it is winter time and since there aint shit to do ive started playing WOW again. But im sure ill stop in the summer like i always do
