For those who play WoW


I wish I could have taken pictures of my younger brother. He plays that game everyday basically all day. He was slim before as well. I swear the pictures are just as dramatic as those except he just has long ass caveman hair, not a jew fro. Its disgusting.

lmfao i think its sad if you let a fucking video game take over your life

Haha world of world of warcraft…epic

I enjoy WoW, though i’m at maybe 2 hours a week, as opposed to many of my friends who are at something like eleventy billion ours a week…

yea some ppl are ridiculous with hours played… i was like wow cmon seriously? no life?

Yea if ya look at the pics its obvious they are reversed. Look at his ears.

lol that is funny

Fuck WoW, these kids need to learn to go after the big goals in life.

It was posted up before, but that one final fantasy game has a boss that takes between 18-24 hours to beat it. If you want the ultimate nerd test, thats what these kids need to aspire too. An entire day dedicated to killing a computer created monster