South park WoW Episode

Pure genius.
Here is the link to the first part, use the navigator on the right for parts two and three.


Fucking LOL.


OMG. so cool.

For those who would rather download the whole episode…

EDIT: Man, Bittorrent just rules now that I got a newer cable modem. Check out the sustained download rate: About 3x what I used to see.

fucking hilarious episode

how do you use torrents? im a noob with that stuff…

btw… that video was HILARIOUS… quality stuff

Hahahahaha, that is great!

Haha, yeah that episode was on last night. I was dying…

:lol: saw it a few nights ago and was rolling

i laughed my ass off to this, my buddy that plays wow(and regrets it) says that happens to him all the time

someone of a higher level always goes around killing lobies

I saw it the other day…Hilarious



this is great



“thats a big boy!!!”

Unless any of you went to RIT you guys probably wouldn’t understand how funny that episode truely was :rofl:

on dvr :tup:

ok i’ve never played WoW in my life… what happens when someone kills you … do you just respawn or is it quite the pain in the ass

“How does one kill that which has no life?”

Yeah I saw it wed night as well…OMFG it was awsome!! I know people who play WoW and that is their entire life! The kid died in the game and was a higher level and he was like, seriously depressed for a week. Its hilarious.