i got a charger off a gtp. it needs rebuilt. How much does it run? anyone sell kits? thinking of incorporating this on another motor. if too much, will just unload it as a core.
don’t know if they make a rebuild kit but 97greengtp has one for sale thats good probably pick it up for a 100-150 maybe:dunno:pm him and see whats up I know if there is a rebuild kit it will probably cost atleast 100
what year,i got one 75 bucks!
it is a off a 95. we had to order 3 of them to just get 1 good one. the one place said f it and doNT send them their blown one back. so now i got it. dont need it now, was just seeing if rebuild kits are out there for it. will just shelf it and if i can use it, will let u know.
mines off a 97
And to think u were gonna junk that motor too! :spank: :rant:
You need to talk to Magnuson. They do the small parts and rebuild kits for those chargers. Dunno about the coin…
its a different supercharger in 95 =less power.
get brians its more efficient and cheap!!!