Any Rugby players?

The guys at my school keep asking me to play when my arm heals up. j/w if anybody here playes and is it fun and how bad do you get your ass beat when you’ve never played before?

fightinmike plays…im sure he will chime in

werd. it looks like alot of fun. I just dont wanna break both my legs lol.

im not gonna lie, he comes home all bumped and bruised up(hes my roommate), but no broken bones yet as far as i know

I’m a glutton for punishment, bumps and bruizes are nothing…thit i was bored today so i poked a pattern in my arm with a needle (no im not emo, needles just dont bother me). it was like a temporaty blood tattoo lol. anywho, hmm, maby next fall ill sign up after i heal good and get a chance to bulk up a bit.

^ Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight

hey… I am flippin bored ok.

worst sig/‘tattoo’ evarr/rant



core. :slight_smile:

werd…I wanna be a hard core Rugby player…I think I can fuck some people up lol. Im not afraid to get hit.

*where’s lacrozstud (or whatever), i think he used to play…

I played rugby for a year when I went to Cortland. It was the best time of my life. I played Left side Prop. You definitely will be sore but it seemed it was always the day after that i couldnt get out of bed. It felt like i got hit by a truck. But after the game. Drink ups, Shootin the boot and songs cure what ails ya. If I were u I would be all over that. Do it, its worth it

if anyone knows where there is a leauge I would be interested in joining

Best Game Evvar.

This is my second year playing for the Mad Turtles. Fucking amazing, greatest guys and sickest game you’ll ever play. The learning curve is steep since the game is completely different from football and so is the strategy.

I’m sorta a little guy (6’ 185lbs) and I’m a second row/Flanker so I get tossed around a bit. You dont really need to know much about the game to have a lot of fun, as long as your reasonably athletic. Theres pretty much no stopping so it gets really demanding.

I was a “flanker” i guess when I played, it wasn’t anything too organized, but it’s a great time.

I always managed to throw people around and off me because I was “smallish” yet dense. 5’11" and 230ish (at that time) and high school football experience (as far as running around) as a running back / fullback helped a bit.

It hurts like hell the next day though.

Sunday is a day of rest.

yeah I dont know much about football really, I know u gotta get the ball from one side to the other lol…few of the rules but not much. This sounds like alot of fun. I use to wrestle so getting slammed around is no biggie.

I didn’t know you wanted to be beat up… I’d be happy to hook you up.

When I am healed you can practice kicking my ass lol.