Any tea drinkers in here?

So yeah ive been drinking alot of tea to help with the chest congestion…problem is… I FUCKING HATE TEA! The only kind I like is iced tea (not the real stuff), and bubble tea cuz well lets face it…its fucking amazing. So anywho…what kinds of tea are good for being sick and what kinds actually taste good? I usually drink lemon tea with a teaspoon of sugar and a little honey. Its the only kind I can tollerate.

your white trash is showing.

lol how so? because I don’t like tea?

because he doesnt like tea? what about people who dont drink coffee? are they white trash too?

what a fucking stupid thing to say

Tea can be great for your health, regardless of if you are sick or not. I don’t know of any especially good for when you ARE sick, but I make/drink a ton of tea. I have this “teapot”:

And I buy either their loose tea, or I go to the tea bar in Pittsford Wegmans.

no it took all the other words in the post for this conclusion.

I drink tea almost daily…take it over coffee…

I usually just drink a regular breakfast tea or earl gray

Everyone in my house loves tea except for me. I’m not a coffee drinker either.

Try another flavor. There was this raspberry flavor I really enjoyed, and a few others. But normally I hate it.

Try a hot cup of green tea. If you have a sore throat I wouldn’t recommend using sugar. This usually helps me.


I have a cup of green tea every morning. Which is the tea that has the least amount of caffeine. I drink it with no sugar no milk and I love it

Have you heard of ‘tazo’ tea? I’m mainly a coffee drinker but i’ll occasionally drink tea if i’m not feeling well. tazo tea has a ton of different flavors and i’m sure you’ll find one you like.

Earl Grey
English Breakfast

try adding different things such as sugar/honey/milk/lemon

I love tea.

i’m on a white tea kick right now.

I have a cup of Lemon tea with a ts of sugar on my right and an ice cold glass of Pepsi on my left. Life is good. wait…no… im still sick…life sucks. lol.

I like Earl Gray myself, with a teaspoon of sugar and a touch of soy milk. I also once in a while drink Earl Gray Green (Wegmans Brand), it’s, obviously, a green tea with Earl Gray flavoring… Green is supposed to be better for you

pear ginger tea. or ginger green.

or PG Tips if I just want regular black tea. mmm pg tips.

Drink some Chai… mmm

chai tea :tup: