
cafe latte is like crack

/wanting starbucks round 2

cafe latte is a chicks drink :greddy:

well if i just wanted coffee i’d get it for free at work :rolleyes: and anything that makes your heart pound itself 1/2 way outta your chest isn’t a chick drink.

coffee fcuks with my body pretty bad

i choose water

i don’t drink coffee.

tea or water works for me

tea > coffee

but occasionally i get my free coffee on @ work

mist of the time i’m drinking mint tea.

I like french vanilla cappucino :yum:

Water > *

i drink well over a gallon of water a day… i also drink green tea like it’s my job. I changed it up today and am addicted… you guys suck

Unsweeten Iced Tea > Water

you must piss constantly, all day long

i do piss a lot… we have nice bathrooms though?

guys drinking tea:greddy:

so iced tea is gay :dunno:

only when in ur hand,hot tea is :greddy:

i love me some ice tea, i’m gonna make some right now.




drinking is ghey… dehydration pwnz