Any tuners in the area familiar with the Cobb AP?

The AP does come with a bunch of out of the box maps for use with a few bolt ons but that’s not all it can do. The rights for access port tuning are FREE, you can download Access Tuner Race if you have an AP here

It allows anyone with an AP to toy with all the stuff listed below. The license for the pro tuner software does cost 2000 dollars but the only thing taht provides is a way to tune multiple APs at a time and lock maps so that your tunes that you charge a bunch of money for aren’t shared.

    * Same tuning capabilities as our AccessTUNER Pro shop grade software
    * Access to multiple tables for full tuning control
          o Fuel
          o Ignition
          o Boost
          o Closed Loop 
          o Idle
          o Sensors
          o Cam
          o Load 
          o Limiters
                + Engine Revs
                + Maximum Speed
    * Launch Control and Flat Foot Shifting settings
    * P0241 MIL Defeat - Catalyst Efficiency
    * Integral Data logging: Unlimited data logging of multiple channels of data from the ECU for detailed analysis of engine performance
    * Integral Dashboard: Shows tuner chosen gauges to be displayed on-screen throughout the tuning process
    * Unit Conversion: Ability to easily convert between metric and standard units so the tuner can use units he/she is most familiar with
    * Map Database: Free access to the OTS map database from COBB Tuning that provide excellent starting points for specific modifications
    * Technical Support: Outstanding technical support from the software engineering team and our expert calibrators
    * Hot Keys: Convenient on-touch short-cut keys allow easy data manipulation of common tuning operations
    * Open WBO2 Interface: Integrates with a wide selection of Wideband O2 sensors
    * Embedded Stock Data: Stock tuning data (ROMs) are self-contained inside the software itself, providing the OEM baseline tune for each vehicle supported by the software
    * Manufacturer specific AccessTUNER Race Forum support
    * Share and change maps with other AccessTUNER Race users
    * COBB Tuning provided tuning documentation:
          o MAZDASPEED Tuning Guide
          o MAZDASPEED Help File: Table Descriptions and Tuning Tips for each Table

Also I know it doesn’t replace the ECU, i was just asking if there was a limit to what you can flash the stock ECU for. For me I’d really like the ability to be able to re-flash to stock for dealer visits as my car is still under warranty. I’m not really concerned with getting big power, I do however want to know that doing some mild mods won’t blow my shit up. I can get the access port for 600, get a tune over the internet using data logs for 250. Then down the road when i add mods i can get a more accurate tune. The other nice thing about the Speed3 at least is that the ECU controls the boost, so i can get a tune for 15 PSI and one for 18PSI and have the ability to flip back and forth in between them like an electronic boost controller.