any way to stop seat foam from falling out?

its the driver’s side front seat Dave.

says rear in the description lol…

regaurdless theres like 10 other listings for back seats on there two, averaging around $200

On my truck its the driver’s front thats ripped though.

ooo lol, looked like rear seats… uno momento

Damn, your right, couldnt find any oem front drivers seat… I’d imagine theyd be fairly cheap though…

if all else fails i found these for like $35, might be a cheap option

Id rather live with the hole.

Parts for my truck are sometimes hard to find surprisingly. Also these seats tear and stain quite easily so its hard to find a good one. My driver’s seat is power too.

Time to buy some recaros.

The seats in the truck are really comfortable though. Too bad Ford cheaped out on the material.

they cheap out on the entire truck, its a ford what do you expect

well GM and Dodge cheap out the body so Id rather have a cheap interior than a body that dents when you look at it (Dodge) or rots the rockers (GM) or wheel arches (Dodge) away in 3 or 4 years.

Ive yet to see an '04+ F150 with rot holes in it but Ive seen plenty of GM’s with no rockers left and plenty of Dodges with rusty beds and tailgates (including my brother’s '05).

Holy junk Ford, your truck is 1 year newer than mine, same miles and nothing but problems

2 words:

Best idea yet. I’d do that.

sowe it up with fishing line

Fill it up with lube and fuck it, it’d probably feel better than that busted sheep vag you’ve been pounding on

Paul that seat looks dumpy as fuck

its been mostly little stupid shit issues except the rearend. It runs and drives fine

Kind of an awkward spot for that

sure does

Go to walmart and buy an iron on patch of fabric in the sewing dept. Comes in many colors. Clean the seat well and iron that bitch over the hole.

Put a lil’ pbj in her Pjb

Ill have to look the next time I go there

no, passing on that idea. My luck some girl would sit on it and get pregnant and sue me for child support.