any way to stop seat foam from falling out?

Lately the hole in my truck’s seat cushion has been getting bigger and keeps leaving pieces of foam all over.

Is there any way to stop it from doing that without getting it reupholstered or sewed or replacing the seat?

How about spray adhesive? Would that work if I sprayed it on the foam to keep it together?

Don’t be a cheap fuck and get it fixed the right way

Is there a hole in the seat or under it ?

Top of the seat.

Id just like a cheap fix for now because I dont have the money for a complete reupholster right now. I was letting it go but now its leaving chunks all over.

Buy a seat cover

Tape it. Gonna look ghetto, but since you aren’t willing to spend the money, ghetto is your own choice.

EDIT: Or what SBardy said.

I hate seat covers so I dont want to get those.

I dont mind seeing the hole, its just that I dont like having to vacuum foam up all the time.

jizz on it… When dry it will fill in the missing areas.

Take a lighter to it then. If it torches up, let the fucking truck burn and collect insurance money.

thats a little gross

fuck that I like the truck too much to burn it up. If it was the car I just sold I wouldve been all for it.

Stop dragging your lazy ass across the edge of the seat. Then, buy an upholstery patch and learn to sew.


So…you want it fixed…but you’re not willing to try any of the suggestions to get it fixed.

You gotta pick one man. :lol

I think jizzing on it is the best option here, lets not beat around bush… lets beat on the seat.

duck tape

Its a common issue on these trucks.

My mom can sew so thats an option but Id rather have it look ripped than cobbed.

No tape, no covers, no hand babies

Ilya hit it dead nuts here PJB. Sometime I even question why you ask peoples opinion for things on this forum when 99.9% of the time you end up doing your own thing anyways. Seriously, you should preface the majority of your posts by stating “what do you guys think I should do about x, I’m not willing to do x, y, z for whatever reason, so that really only leaves me with x options.”

I’m sure you can find an upholstry place around here who you could bring it to who could give you a better idea as to what would need to get done and the cost associated with the work.

In my opinion, a short term solution would be duct tape until you find a more permanent way to fix it.

Good luck regardless.

dont sit on it

Eventually I do want to get it fixed right when I have the money but right now I dont. I dont want to fuck it up worse by ghetto rigging it either.

new rear seat $85