Anybody do good concrete work?

My parents want their steps re-done so I figured i’d ask if anyone on here does this kinda stuff or could point me in the right direction… Please PM me.
Pretty shitty, huh?

Ryan McElroy :hs:

do they want them just repaired or all new concrete?

all new concrete

I know a guy.

It’s too late to call him tonight, but I’ll ring him around lunch time tomorrow. Call me at 412-758-4825 after 1:00 pm and I’ll let you know what’s up.

this guy’s been doing concrete for decades… beautiful work… and he dates my grandmother, so i can probably hook you up. where do you live?

well, my neighbor said that he is finally going to do it this friday… he’s been beating around the bush for almost four years now but my parents finally are getting him to do it… thanks for the replies