Anybody else drink OV?

I drink, actually I drink alot lol
I have been a faithful fan of Labatts Blue for about the last 4 years but prices keep going up and up
I came across OV and decided to try it out, the first time I had it I wasnt impressed, better than Best or Red Dog or Miller Highlife or Nasty Ice or any of that swill
I have since probably downed 30 12 packs or so of it, its not the greatest thing I have ever drank but its really grown on me

The price $4.99 a 12 pack at Rite Aid, bottles no less!

So if you have never tried it (took me 10 years of drinking to finally try it)
it beats the shit out of what else $5 will buy you

Ok this would explain a lot about your horrible posts now… ov FTL. people know drinking gets expensive but who cares its part of the drinking game. It just like cars if you want a fast car its going to cost you

no thanks!


Ok this would explain a lot about your horrible posts now… ov FTL. people know drinking gets expensive but who cares its part of the drinking game. It just like cars if you want a fast car its going to cost you


nah I post sober

the less I spend on beer the more I can spend on cars, after the first 10 who gives a shit what it tastes like anyways

found this review on a beer site, pretty much sums it up

This is an old O’Keefe product, which was bought by Carling, then by Molson. It’s still got the O’Keefe knight on the can and it still has it’s reputation. OV is supposed to stand for “Old Vienna”, suggesting that it’s a Vienna style lager. The guys in the locker room will call it “old vagina”, suggesting what it really tastes like. But it isn’t a BAD beer, at least not awful. It has little to no head so first impressions aren’t good. It tastes a little sweeter than your regular megabrew with a reasonably good and definitely inoffensive aftertaste. That said it is fairly bland. You certainly don’t have to choke it down. This is one of those beers that is dirt cheap, and everyone thinks it is horrid, but it’s really just an average megabrew beer. No worse. It’s a decent candidate for good bad beer status. If you can put up with the ridicule that you’ll to be subject to, this isn’t a bad cheap beer choice. Nobody will drink it on you that’s for sure.

beer fail

I am open to suggestions for cheap alternatives to quality brews

i like good brews in pint glasses, but if im just going to chug a can of shit in 5seconds, my choce is Pabst Blue Ribbon…


i like good brews in pint glasses, but if im just going to chug a can of shit in 5seconds, my choce is Pabst Blue Ribbon…


Shit PBR I havent had that in years!
I dont even remember wtf it tastes like

yea I’ll have an OV if im piss drunk and someone hands it to me :lol:

everyone knows keystone is the best cheap beer out there, $10 30pack


yea I’ll have an OV if im piss drunk and someone hands it to me :lol:

everyone knows keystone is the best cheap beer out there, $10 30pack


I can stomach the ice but the regular :barf:


I can stomach the ice but the regular :barf:


the ice tastes like warm piss even when its cold. in fact, we called the customer service line on the can and told them that last year. They were sorry to hear it and offered us a coupon for a free 30. We tried negotiating with them, it didnt work.

OV…god, I wouldn’t even consider that.

if u wanan get wasted and dont care how it tastes just buy naty ice

molson is usually on sale at cvs, 30 packs are cheap.

Labatt is a pretty cheap beer to start with, its tough to go too much cheaper.

Keystone is made by coors, it tastes fine to me.

My old landlord used to drink Genny Cream Ale and everyone would laugh at him…

Is it a cheap beer? I don’t drink so I wouldn’t know,lol.


My old landlord used to drink Genny Cream Ale and everyone would laugh at him…

Is it a cheap beer? I don’t drink so I wouldn’t know,lol.


the only beer worse then that is red dog

OV isnt toobad, I will by a 12pack here and there of it.