anybody else see whats new with China?

so they WANTED to dump money into this from the beginning?!

that’s fucking retarded.

It was smart in 1981…

Werd. Almost the peak of the Cold War, if the US has all the money to spend on its defense program, it’d eventually render the USSR incompetent technologically and militaristicly.

Theres a Aircraft Carrier off the coast of Kharge Island



There is no picture above is there? I cant see it if there is one lol


Doesn’t really worry me. The logistics of China launching an attack on America would be outrageous, unless they had a place to stage which would be either Canada or Mexico and I doubt that would ever happen.

It’s supposed to have a self destruct sequence on it they can activate in a scenario like this. Makes you wonder right!?!?!?.

Look at the SR-71. That was developed in the early 60’s - it was crude but pure speed and cruising altitude meant it could simply outrun anything around it. Top speed of that was supposed to be above Mach 3, I am sure whats in development now has to be insane.

The f117 was in development in the 60s as well. We didn’t hear about it until the mid 90s I think. The f22 was supposedly taken out of commission because having a generation 5 stealth fighter aircraft in service would only encourage other countries to develop aircraft with similar capabilities. I’m sure the price and the fact that everything it is doing can be done with a less expensive aircraft both contributed to it’s discontinuation. Either that or we came out with something 100000x more badass and we just don’t know about it yet.

Likely the latter.

Its been said multiple times already but anyone who thinks our military dosnt have things you dont know about is foolish. If you were a government would you release your plans for the next best thing in your arsenal ?

No shit.


I bet working at Groom Lake would be unreal. How cool would that be to develop shit like that. Helicopters that you can’t hear, UAVs, stealth missles, and other badassery.

Sometimes I think the government just LOL’s really hard at us for being so facinated with that place, that they really just send a bunch of retards there to play monopoly underground all day to fuck with all of us, while the real site is somewhere in Oregon or some shit :rofl

I love this place sometimes :eek3

The F22 in brief:

$678 million per planes accounting most of the costs

Just over 14 year production run

Government Accountability Office estimates it will cost $59 billion to fix and fly the F-22s until they retire.

F-22 entered service in 2005, every other operational warplane in the U.S. arsenal has seen action in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya or other conflict zones. But the tiny fleet of pricey F-22s, optimized for ultra-rare dogfighting missions, missing key upgrades and frequently grounded, hasn’t flown a single combat sortie.

$7.4 Billion of Your Tax Dollars Are Upgrading the Never-Used F-22…

This money could have launched the Space Shuttle 16 more times. This money could have more than doubled the budget the government spends trying to cure cancer. This money could buy 74 iMacs for every single public school in the entire country.

You think too highly of the government.

New technologies developed does not equal a new technology in use… far from it.

Speaking of jets…

The trillion dollar F35 jet is still grounded due to about 13 new faults being discovered on it and it hasn’t even started full production yet.

In addition to costing more, the stealthy F-35 could take longer to complete testing. That could delay the stealthy jet’s combat debut to sometime after 2018 - seven years later than originally planned.
God, money well spent.:crackup

I had a friend of mine who went to college up at Clarkson with me, majoring in aero engineering, no exaggeration probably one of the most book smart people I’ve ever met in my entire life. Kid finished his bachelors in 3 years and masters in 4 with a 4.0 EVERY semester. He was interviewing with Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Department of Defense, etc our senior year.

Kid goes home for Thanksgiving break and has two guys in all black suits with ear pieces (think men in black) show up at his door step on Thanksgiving Eve to do an interview for the Lockheed Martin Skunk Works division. For anyone who doesn’t know what that is, it’s essentially the top of the top for anyone who has aspirations of doing aero design or engineering. Quoted from Lockheeds website:

The Skunk Works® Today
Advanced Development Programs (ADP), also known as Skunk Works, has built a strong foundation of achievement in aerospace by creating breakthrough technologies and landmark aircraft that continually redefine flight.
ADP’s advanced technology solutions for manned and unmanned systems draw on world-class capabilities in conceptual design, systems engineering and integration, complex project management, software development and rapid prototyping. These core ADP capabilities of today tie to the foundation of the Skunk Works where the mantra, “quick, quiet and quality,” guides each and every project from concept to flight.

Anyways, so my buddy was told by these gentlemen that the face to face interview was one of the many steps that was necessary in order for him to even be considered for this division in Lockheed. He ultimately ended up going through about 4-5 more interviews, and rediculous tests (lie detector, physicals, etc) before he withdrew his “application” from Lockheed. Apparently the thing that bothered him was that he was told multiple times further down the line in the interview process that there was the potential for him to be “off the map” for several years at a time due to the secrecy of the work he would be working on.

Just thought it was an interesting story.

I believe in peace through both intimidation and power. Spending on tech is ok with me… Giving money to lazy fucks and 46 percent of Americans not paying fed income tax is not.

Yeah like the 30 corporations that grossed billions and paid no income tax