anybody else see whats new with China?|main5|dl1|sec1_lnk3%26pLid%3D120101

looks like some things might be changing in the next decade.

I’m sure the US has plenty of “experimental” aircraft that would blow our minds tucked away in the Nevada desert and if they even did manage to get close to the US to do a air to surface attack with that I am sure it would be short lived. Not to mention the fact I am sure the CIA has known about it for years.

it’s most likely made out of pot metal… like everything else in china.

+rep KBB

I had the luxary of going to visit Rachel, NV back in my late teens and in particular outside of the Area 51 complex (never got past the signs that said, “No Trespassing - Use of Deadly Force Authorized” ) and I am a firm believer that the US Government has been building and testing Top Secret Aircraft at this facility as well as other facilities all over the country.

Look at that Helicoptor that was shot down in the Bin Laden Raid. That thing was a modified Blackhawk that had similarities to a Stealth Fighter in that is was supposed to be immune to radar detection as well as the fact that the helicoptor was modified to make next to 0 sound while in flight. Former DoD heads had said that that helicoptor was unlike anything they had ever seen in the course of their career while at the DoD.

Bottom line is this, what you see being used in the field now is something that has been trial tested and proven over the course of decades of military use. I can’t even begin to imagine what the government has coming up the pipe line in terms of experimental aircraft, aquatic vessals, and military weapons.

Most of you people realize that some of these weapons/aircraft we know about now, have been around for 20-30+ years before we even really heard about them

I bet the government knew about this before the first machine to build it even started up

They say the F-15 is still one of the best fighter jets in our arsenal aside from the F-22 which has now “Just” come into service…

I find that hard to belive that a plane thats been in service for 30 years is still one of our best planes, even the F-22 is aproaching 15 iirc and i still think even thats crazy. They may be the best planes that we know about :rofl

In 30 years and all this shit we here about technology and the stuff thats being made, without a doubt in my mind there is some absoloutely crazy shit w ehave built and use that we will find out about in another 30 years

Actually the one thing that China does put quality work into (or at least did in the past 40yrs) is weaponry. They use their highest quality metals too, not the shit that we get in our brake rotors and what not.

That aircraft carrier is a joke. Find some other articles about it. When they bought it from Uzbekistan or wherever it was they had already started cutting into it to scrap it. China told the US they were buying it to make a “casino”

and then there is this:

that’s right, 11 of them. Hurry up China, put the hoards to work.

US defence already fully expected that and they’ve publicly announced it once it was on trial. If you read the article it was not something super advance, but bascially a 1998 Russia unit.

The fact that we’ve been cutting funding on space projects and military expansion, doesn’t mean other countries can’t spend a large amount on “defense”.

There are far more worrying issues about China namely everything we buy are made there because no one will ever buy a $800 xbox 360 that is made in USA and we still owe them a “carrier” load of cash. :rofl

China could crippled the united states without ever firing a bullet or dropping a bomb. Not a single life would need to be lost.

Seems that way


Fixed it for ya.

Census data released today shows 1 in 2 people in the US of A is either poor or low-income. We don’t even need foreign threats to cripple us, all they need to do at this point is just sit tight and do nothing and wait…

Now THAT is scary…

The fact that China could destroy us in the manner I’m referring to is a direct result of us crippling ourselves… I already implied what you’re saying. Correct though, the position we’re in is thanks to us.

My point wasn’t that the carrier is really a threat, more that it represents the Chinese begining to build up armed forces that could potentially make them a more significant global military power. Either which way any sort of war with any major power would cause global economic havoc and be more damaging in the long run then the actual conflict.

Obama cut the F22, Iran has our highest public awareness technology as of this week, due to the Drone theft… This is significant… and could be due to a mole or just catastrophic failure…

About the drone return:

Iran Mocks Obama After He Asks For Downed Drone Back, Says He ‘Begs To Give Him Back His Toy Plane’

Posted on December 13, 2011 at 9:24pm by Tiffany Gabbay Tiffany Gabbay
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In the wake of the latest downed U.S. drone, Iran is gleefully mocking Barack Obama, chiding that the president “begs to give him back his toy plane.”

“Obama is hoping that the Iranian government is in a Christmas mood because he has asked Tehran to send him his Christmas present. Iran mocks Obama who ‘begged’ for [his] Drone back,” goaded Fars News Agency on Tuesday.

“We have asked for it back. We’ll see how the Iranians respond,” Obama said following a White House meeting with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.

Israel National News adds:

Iran said last week it downed an advanced RQ-70 drone. The Obama administration initially denied the report, but later admitted it had lost a drone.

“Given Iran’s behavior to date, we do not expect them to comply,” U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said. President Obama reportedly turned down proposals to try to bomb the drone or retrieve it, fearing such an act would be considered an “act of war.”

“This is not only an intelligence victory for us, but a defeat for our enemies,” said a senior commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps.

The RQ-170 has special coatings and a batwing shape designed to help it stay undetected by radar.

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ramin Mehman-Parast lambasted Obama, saying that ”it seems that he has forgotten that Iran’s air space has been violated, espionage operations have been carried out, international laws have been violated and Iran’s internal affairs have been interfered with.”

Iran boasted that the U.S. has lost 90 drones since 2007.

F-22 was apparently junk at $356 mil and can be shot down easily with a 50 cal. Its never even flown a mission in Iraq… not sure if all the talk was propaganda or not though. Either way, production is over.

Did not know the F-22 was cut at this point. I’ve read a couple things that it has flown a few missions in Iraq. It was in “testing” for teh longest time and then a few years ago they declared it active, apparently that was short lived.

Appears the F22 is no longer being produced, but it is in service with whats left.

Last one was produced this week actually. As far as being shot down by a 50cal… that goes for anything. F22 will be a little bit tougher to hit due to its speed and stealth.

Truth is, it was built for fighting USSR’s MIGs so it found itself without a job pretty quickly after it was sorted. It doesn’t do so well in the unconventional warfare where low/slow unmanned drones own the game.

funny isn’t it?

gov’t spends ~20 years and $350M designing and building a fighter from scratch, and ends up without anything to fight. and the previous fighters were doing their job satisfactorily.

spends 1/5 that amount building a bomber that’s been in service for about 56 years now.

At the time the project was conceived it in part was meant to be hugely expensive. The F22 and the star wars program where designed to be so expensive that the USSR would simply be unable to compete.