
So the US is going to try to shoot down a spy satellite.


They claim it’s because its fuel tank is full of 1000 pounds of hydrazine that, if the stars line up just right, could cover an area the size of 2 football fields with fumes.

Do you buy it? Are they really trying to be safe or is there a secret mutant manbearpig on board that they don’t want to get loose?

Do you think they’ll hit it or miss and waste a multi-million dollar bullet?

I think even if we miss, we’ll say we hit it.

I heard its a spy satellite… and its not going to land in the US, they want to obtain the sensitive equipment before others can.

Oh, and If that 2 football fields worth of gas decides be in a city… lol Hopefully it will find away to hit new orleans, so bush won’t care to do anything about it. After all he doesn’t care about black people

i think there is more to the story then they would like to tell us …if it has that much gas on it then start the fucking motor up and make it fly away :gotme: right …juist like 9/11 was a US govt cover up…(watch “loose change” on google video) (http://www.question911.com/ ) (http://www.911weknow.com )

Yeah, just start it up and fly it away. :picard:

No wonder you believe loose change.

It’s a spy satellite. Between not wanting any of it’s design to possibily end up in the wrong hands and the fact that there is a rare chance it could fall somewhere populated and releases it’s poisonous cloud it’s probably a good idea to shoot it down.

Besides that, it’s a good opportunity to show the Russians what a good shot we are since they want to play games with their old bombers. Let Putin know we could put one right up his ass if we really wanted to. :wink:

Yo keep that 9/11 conspiracy bullshit out of my thread or I’ll, um, I’ll… give you a really lame custom title.

$60,000,000 to shoot it down?!?

We should just do it the way the article mentions we did it 20 years ago: Get a fighter jet up to 80,000 feet and shoot it down from the jet. The pilot who did that must have had one hell of an ego afterwards.

they cant risk the cryptographic equipment getting out.


After reading their plan I have my doubts they’ll even hit it. How the hell do we not have a satellite destroying missile in our inventory? They’re modifying a missile designed to shoot down an ICBM and only started this redesign in January. That’s not a lot of time to redesign a missile that needs to hit a target traveling 22000 mph in orbit.

Well if we miss…we could ask China to hit it for us.

I know we have a railgun or laser that could do this.

But they wont admit it.

And how do we not already have armed satelites in space with weapons on board to take out icbms and other satelites.

Tactical missile launching satelites.

Im sure it will be a direct hit, how could we miss we are shooting a heat seeking missle at an icecube falling from space.

in for the custom titles…

I would think that since we have that missile defense system that can shoot down a ICBM on short notice…that with all this time we could take out a satellite the size of a bus…

I have faith in my government and armed forces


and so does Cougarspeed

So curious to why it doesn’t have a self destruct button?
Flick a switch from planet earth and watch the fireworks?

/thread :slight_smile:

From what I read, the anti-ICBM missile uses heat seeking sensors. This disabled satellite should be pretty much frozen solid by now. That’s why I said it’s not a lot of time for the redesign since the core of the targeting system has to change.

woops yea…

I still have faith :lol:

“Oops sorry outraged world community. I swear it was an accident that we missed and the missile landed on Chavez’ head.”

If I were a betting man, I would say that this is a public showings of a new slightly milder cold war that has already begun about a year and a half ago. (for those who follow international politics)

This serves 2 agendas, it will take care of a satellite that is “leaking”, and it will show the russians and the world that we have the capabilities to take out satellites, including space based weapons which are no longer covered in the nuclear weapons armistice that the US pulled out of 7 years ago and Russia seems to have pulled out of, edit: it has pulled out of a post cold war agreement in the summer of 07. Although at the time Putin wanted to re-sign the agreement. Bush pulled us out for reasons unknown to me.

This is a stand off that will slowly escalate. No bully likes competition or intimidation. Hello 1945 again.

Heres an article from the summer of 07.

With this, the fact that Kosovo has now proclaimed independance from Serbia (and the US and much of Europe has formally recognized them), and the emerging energy shortages Putin is playing chess with the world. He will not be intimidated and he is showing it.

So is the US of course.