The fcuk does this story even mean?

Russia’s making a statement and/or flexing their muscles by going for a pointless joyride in a big old plane? Look out world?

lol is that really such a good idea? I mean is the US cool with foreign countries flying bombers over our afb’s just for shits?

seems like they’re :poke:

russia has muscles to flex?


sounds like a moral booster… or a commemoration


Russia’s making a statement and/or flexing their muscles by going for a pointless joyride in a big old plane? Look out world?


Yes, one of the strongest countries in the world and a former Superpower is out on pointless joyrides. Maybe you should call up Putin and tell him how you figured out (from the internet) his 50 years worth of Tu-95 flights were actually joyrides. :bloated:

Why would anyone worry about a nuclear bomber with the range to strike anywhere in the world and the ability to sneak up on a coastline giving a country little time to respond (if its detected) :bloated:

Are you that ignorant of our defense systems? An old bomber does not “sneak up” to anything. The second that thing is a foot off the runway you can bet we know about it.

This is just more posturing by Putin because he is upset with our plans for a missile defense system. And that’s just tough, because with places like Korea, Iran and China all working on long range missiles capable of carrying a nuclear warhead, we need that system.

lol, the fact that its “cough” old doesnt mean its lost any capability or is not a force to be reckoned with.

The only ignorance here is Americans belief that they are SAFE and untouchable.
That pathetic attitude led to Sept. 11th and will be our downfall.

A foot off the runway huh

I’m fucking scared, I am filling my bathtub up with fresh water and rationing it right now :eek:

Those planes are about to fall apart in mid-air neway, can the russians even afford to gas those things up let alone fill them with bombs?


lol, the fact that its “cough” old doesnt mean its lost any capability or is not a force to be reckoned with.

The only ignorance here is Americans belief that they are SAFE and untouchable.
That pathetic attitude led to Sept. 11th and will be our downfall.

A foot off the runway huh


And they never entered US airspace. I bet they were tracking them from the moment they took off.

Are we “safe” nah, I bet in my lifetime a nuclear weapon will be detonated on US soil. I’d also be willing to bet it won’t be dropped from some old ass bomber that flew all the way from Russia carrying the nuke though.

It will probably be a small vehicle portable nuke smuggled in from a port or through Mexico. It will go off in NYC or DC, and while it will be horrible, we here in WNY will survive. Prevailing winds blow to the east, so fallout will be over the Atlantic, not over Buffalo.


Those planes are about to fall apart in mid-air neway, can the russians even afford to gas those things up let alone fill them with bombs?


with proper maintenance a plane can last a long long time…

KC-135R - made 1958 still in active duty rotation as we speak…


he ability to sneak up on a coastline giving a country little time to respond (if its detected) :bloated:


I’m quite positive the US knows about every plane up in the air at any given time, I certainly wouldn’t put it past them.


The only ignorance here is Americans belief that they are SAFE and untouchable.
That pathetic attitude led to Sept. 11th and will be our downfall.


Thats kind of ridiculous that you would categorize 9/11 in with this type of debate. 9/11 could almost be considered internal. Obviously a weakness was exploited, and everyone learns by experience.

A russian plane, would be known that it was on its way, its all about when you feel its intentions are to do damage to the US. Determining the planes intention, could be extremely difficult. During war time, that plane wouldn’t get within 600 miles of the US

With 9/11 no one knew the intentions of the planes. I’m sure as hell they could have shot them down at any given time but obviously chose not to. That’s like saying while getting a blow job from an AIDS hooker while driving and she decides to bite your dick off then drive you into a cliff that it’s your fault you didn’t punch her in the cunt before starting? :bloated:

Reminds me of Theodore Roosevelt and his great white fleet, when they circumnavigated the world so we could show off some toy boats.

Norad doesnt have nearly as many satelites aimed at Russia anymore, they are more directed at china iran and other more active countries. but there are still some looking down at them.


Reminds me of Theodore Roosevelt and his great white fleet, when they circumnavigated the world so we could show off some toy boats.


good analogy

kickass first post, n00b :tup:

like, as in the best i have ever seen

Carry on


That’s like saying while getting a blow job from an AIDS hooker while driving and she decides to bite your dick off then drive you into a cliff that it’s your fault you didn’t punch her in the cunt before starting? :bloated:


That’s what you get when you pay for a BJ dude.

Just more of the same, Hardliner vs Imbecile.

If tensions were higher, as they may be soon at this rate, neither country would allow such posturing without a response in kind.


Why do I have an image of a lot of Vodka being consumed and lots of laughter in my head while this decision was being made?
They must be REALLY bored over there.

Russia: “We flew within sight of them, winked at them, then flew home.”
USA: “What plane?”

If anything it just seems that they’re trying to put on an act to convince us that they’re not a collapsed former superpower.