The fcuk does this story even mean?


…an act to convince us that they’re not a collapsed former superpower.


umm, they are not… at least not completely. There is more then enough old school’ers, weapons, and oil money in Russia to cause a problem in the global power market.

and, I can’t believe it hasn’t been said yet: In Soviet Russia, Plane Flies You

I think a better way for them to have flexed their muscles would have been to stage a terrorist attack on their own city, blam Poland and then attack !!!

works every time !!!


umm, they are not… at least not completely. There is more then enough old school’ers, weapons, and oil money in Russia to cause a problem in the global power market.


Word, where do you think those terrorist assholes got most of their weapons from.

Getting back to my comment about a nuke going off here… This is where it would probably come from:

Musharraf dies in a bloody coup, rebels sell off a nuke to a terror cell for a quick buck, nuke “disappears” until it goes boom in NYC.

And unlike the nuclear “threat” from Russia, where the obvious mutal destruction has kept the peace for years, in this case you’d have no one to threaten with blowing off the map. By the time the nuke goes off power will probably have shifted away from the rebel coup and Pakistan would be an ally again.

Nukes are great when they’re kept between superpowers. The fact that both sides know using them would result in total annihilation keeps either side from using them. That’s why I will never be too worried about a Russian nuke threat. The problem is that now nukes aren’t only in the hands of two superpowers.

hmmm… this reminds me of doing air raid drills in school when I was a kid.

although, honestly… what the hell good is facing a wall and/or getting under a desk going to do it the event of a nuclear war.

Seriously though, not that I want us to get hit with a nuke or anything, but I really want to see one go off in my lifetime. I can’t imagine witnessing something that powerful.

a good watch if you have time… Trinity and Beyond, the Atomic bomb movie

Russia is rekindling itself, the company Lukoil is a russian oil company. They have more than double the oil in siberia than we do in alaska, and they dont care about drilling into it.


hmmm… this reminds me of doing air raid drills in school when I was a kid.


How old are you man?
I never had to do that!
And people think I’m old?

^ lol


How old are you man?
I never had to do that!
And people think I’m old?


lol mid 20’s. Most of the older forum members (mid-late 20’s) more than likely did the same thing :stuck_out_tongue:


Why do I have an image of a lot of Vodka being consumed and lots of laughter in my head while this decision was being made?
They must be REALLY bored over there.


Thats just what I was thinking. Ten men in a room, drunk as skunks, one says “Hey guys remember the TU-95 is still out back?” Everyone replies, “Oh hell yah”. Then they all stumble out and fill up the plane, get in and take off, drinking heavily the entire time. Then then wake up, wondering what the hell just happened, and realized they are in the bomber. “Oh shit” on guy says as he sees the US fighter jet outside. They take off the auto pilot, and one guy says “How long until we get home?” The guy flying replies “maybe 13 hours?” Collective group…“Awh f%$K we need to slow down on the booze” …“Anyone have any vodka left to pass the time?” hahahahah

oh i’m 21 and we did some air drill in blasdell elementary when i was a kid

Who the hell was going to bomb us?:biglaugh:
That’s just did it as a joke to see what they could make you kids do.


Who the hell was going to bomb us?:biglaugh:
That’s just did it as a joke to see what they could make you kids do.


lol I think it had to do with the cold war paranoia and living so close to the power station.

25 and no air raid drills. We had already moved on to bomb threats out in Wayne County. :headbang:

EDIT: Fuck and my school was about 4 miles from Ginna. (Nuclear power plant on the lake.)


25 and no air raid drills. We had already moved on to bomb threats out in Wayne County. :headbang:

EDIT: Fuck and my school was about 4 miles from Ginna. (Nuclear power plant on the lake.)


really? wtf lol thats odd


really? wtf lol thats odd


Haha yep:


Haha yep:



seriously, we had to stay overnight at wayne for a HS sporting event. if there had been crack accessible, we might have considered it

Heh, yeah there’s nothing to do in ontario. Drinking in a field is about your only option. Smoking pot if you’re lucky. Might have something to do with why I think Buffalo is such a great place with so much to do.

Where did you even stay?

i dont even remember. some budget inn type of place.
but your wrestling team was pretty good. I got tossed around :frowning:

This used to happen all the time, Bears would approach airspace, where they would be intercepted and escorted away from the area. Both crews would get lots of snapshots and everybody went home.

If there ever was to be an attack from Russia on our soil it would be far, far FAR larger in scale, and wouldn’t begin with turboprop bombers probing defenses.

As noted, this is the beginning of Russia posturing that it is still a force to be reckoned with.