Anybody get their state tax return yet?

Just wondering how long after you got your federal tax return, did you get the return from state?

I suppose this only applies to those of us who do Efile with direct deposit.

I got my federal tax return very quick, I think 7 business days.

My girlfriend did her taxes a week before mine, and nothing from NYS yet, after 15 business days I think.

Its only 200 bucks or whatever, just wondering.

Have not seen mine yet. Always takes longer though.

I got my Federal return a week after I filed online. No state yet tho.

I gotta refile an update becuase a W2 I didnt know I had suddenly showed up at my door :frowning:

I had to pay them $6… dumb state taxed my unemployment insurance money!

Almost as if saying “Oh, you got a job? Remember that money we gave you to help you survive? Well… now we’re gonna bend you over and fuck you again. Thanks for playing.”

Haha, you know you can opt to let them tax your unemployment income up front?

Nothing yet.

I received both federal and state a couple weeks ago.

state dragging their ass as usual…

I was supposed to receive both on the 13th. I got federal on time, but state got deposited yesterday.

I almost called someone, not quite sure who I was going to call, maube turbo tax? lol

When did you file? That way we have some kind of time table of how long it takes after the taxes are filed.

I just filed on Wednesday and was told that federal will be deposited on the 27th and state at least 2 weeks after but they always drag like hell so I doubt it. Hopefully they don’t pull any IOU bullshit like they did to some people in California.

my dad was telling me that its possible we wont see state returns until june because the state simply doesn’t have all the money for everyone, uggh.

I filed a little after midnight on Jan 29th (ie; really late on the 28th)

Date Transaction / Description Credit Debit Balance

02-19-2009 ACH Deposit / NY STATE(1741270001)-TAX REFUND 223.00 235.76

Good for you.

I did! I was getting $362.50 instead of $405 and yet when I put in the ONE MONTH worth of unemployment, my refund went down from $400 to ZERO.

I did it twice, had it checked over… and apparently because I found a job quickly I owed a bunch back. God forbid I didn’t abuse the system and take advantage of the ability to stay unemployed for 6 months! I owe for being smart, quick and finding a new job!


thats pretty shitty dude

I got my Virginia State return, sadly it was offset by owing NYS… just another reason to never look back ha ha.

I just did my taxes yesterday. When I e-filed it said 7-10 business days for federal and 15 business days for state.

I filed on Jan. 21st and got my federal but have yet to get my state. I checked the website and it told me to check agian next week because my refund is still being processed.

See California.
NY better not pull that shit, I have got $2000 coming back to me!