Anybody got a phone # for Bravada442?

Does anybody have a phone number for Sean (Bravada442)? My furnace went out and I need to get it replaced. I signed a contract to have someone else put one in yesterday, but today Sean PM’ed me that he could save me like $400 or $500. I want to get in contact with him ASAP so that I can give him some business. If anyone can help me out I would really appreciate it. I need to get out of my current contract and get a contract with him today and I don’t know when he’ll check his PM’s.

pm sent

Thanks a lot Jeff. I got in contact with him and we got an appointment set up.


Well I got Sean to come over yesterday and he is saving me like $500 bucks on the replacement furnace. I had to replace it for the new buyer for my house and I was really impressed with what Sean had to offer. The buyer actually gave him a call today to see if she could upgrade to the next unit for an additional $500, and Sean actually told her it would not be worth it because of the size of the house and the furnace specs. My realtor was extremely impressed with Sean because of his knowledge of the units and for the fact that he could have had a higher $$ sale with the upgraded unit but he actually told the buyer she didn’t need it. Both myself and my realtor will be recommending Sean for any HVAC work that we come across. We were both very impressed.

Yeah Sean is a good guy. He can’t hang with my corner picking in hockey though :stick:

[ame=“”]YouTube - Nike Goalie Commercial[/ame]

:rofl: I guess that’s me above complaining about my weak glove hand.