Anybody know a good place to meet a big group of people in or close to Monroeville?

My friend is coming home on leave from the military and wants to have a get together somewhere with drinks and food. I want to find a place that possibly has a pool table and room for maybe around 20 people to hang out. There used to be a cool place called Cody’s in monroeville that would have worked great but they shut down. Anyone else have ideas?

Dakota’s on Monroeville Blvd. Go in Talk to Kenny, Tell him Diamond Dug sent you from the pool league.

You could go a couple miles from Monroeville up rt22 and go to rick’s

Ricks has good food.

I never been to dakota’s, do they have pool tables there? Ricks is cool but a little too far for some of the people coming.

Yes They have at least one maybe two by now. Kenny just moved over there from Millvale a little over a year ago. Food isn’t bad and prices were good last time I was over there. I met them shooting Pool in the West Penn league. He used to run tornaments on Saturday’s when he was over Millvale. When they were in Millvale they had like 4 pool tables. Good Luck hope you have a good time. If you go over there tell Kenny Doug from the Rustic says hi and I’ll be over to visit as soon as this blizzard stops !!!

Just went to dakota’s for lunch today and its a pretty cool place, so I will probly frequent that place more often now that i know they are there.

If you’re brave, try the Indian place beside it (on the left side of the bldg)

dakotas is kind of small imo.

Thats because you are larger than the average patron

i don’t like tequila