anybody know of a csv file splitter, need some help.

Hey guys.

I have a program that dumps data to csv to feed my website products.

It turns out this csv file I have generated is 6.6megabytes.

Does anyone know of a program or tool that will split the csv info maybe ten parts so that my uploader doesn’t choke on it?

I could do this by hand but we are talking about thousands of fields here.

have you tried winrar? I think that will allow for a split and zip.

you can rar it using winrar like said above, then split that up. should work well

I’ll see if I can find the one I used at my last job when CitFi would send me a 500 meg text file to import to our SQL server. SQL’s DTS engine was not happy if we didn’t split that up.

No luck finding the one I used. Lots of options over at Search for “file splitter”.

Hey guys I ended up doing it by hand.

Not too too bad, I was able to get the import to work.