Anybody know why my computer restarts itself in the middle of the night?

It’s happened several times…and did it again at 3am this morning. I heard the computer shut down and restart. When i check it out, it reboots like a simple restart…but why?

I was fearing that it’s being hacked somehow and somebody may be obtaining personal information. What should i do to check into it?

could be due to automatic updates.


when you get on yor system next do you get a :gay: baloon inthe lower right saying " your computer had to restart blablbaabla"?

also check your event logs… the anwser will most likey be in there.

Could be a virus. clean up your computer. Mine would shut off and restart until I cleaned the whole thing out.

I had a problem with mine where the comp would restart itself. Then it started to happen more often. After trying a bunch of things it turned out that the motherboard was bad.

mine does that sometimes i think it has something to do with a wired network cause mine only does it when its plugged into my router hmm iduno

Mine was a psu dieing.



Mine would do that due to heat randomly. Put a 9" house fan to blow in it problem solved. x_^

was any of the hardware recently changed?
and recent software installs?

if not, I’ll vote MS Updates and/or heat.

Is the case near a heat vent?

Blow the fans out with canned air,processor fan especially.

OT: but I have a problem that when I turn my computer off, it just turns back on again

so I have to hold the power button on the case for it to shut off totally

Anyone know what the problem could be?

That sounds like a setting in your bios.

There should be a setting that defines what the computer will do when you push the power button.

Ah alright, I’ll look into it


my work computer always is telling me that it’s loaded in some automatic updated and was restarted at night. So that’d be my vote… Luckily my mac always asks me before doing stuff like that.
You should have a little update bubble on the lower right hand corner when you log in that says “your comptuer has had automatic updates installed that required it to be automatically restarted”

as you can see, there are lots of reasons for this to happen - i think you need to stay up one night, and watch it until it happens. once we know all of the events leading up to the restart, we will probably be better able to help you fix it.