anyone been audit for car tax?

I just got a letter stating that I am being audited due to the fact that I didn’t pay enough tax on an old vehicle of mine when I registered it due to the value and so forth.

Has anyone got this before? Do they send a letter to the seller as well?

What if I don’t own the car anymore, how do I provide documentation?

Paging Sully.

oh nooooooooooooooo! i though that this kind of thing was myth. Tell them you’re innocent until proven guilty and to GTFO.

exactly NO way to prove you didnt pay what you said. Unless the contact the seller and they say otherwise

Tell them if they don’t like to learn how to buy used cars PROPERLY. Noone pays retail. noone.


tell them to eat your asshole backwards and really disgust and confuse the shit out of them.

this is straight up bullshit, oh well…

i just emailed the seller to see if he was contacted about it…

NYS is gettin’ loud

:lol haha, yup. Had this happen early this year to me. Had to pay an extra $320 for the old exploder that I had… sucked balls :Idiots

They want me to pay $950. The seller got back to me and said he was contacted as well, but didn’t fill out the paperwork because he didn’t remember.

Wow, that really does suck… they are getting desperate!

Ive bought plenty of $400 cars, atleast according to the forms I filled out.

apparently the car was worth 11.5k wholesale…i wonder what book that is, because trade-in is worth 5.5k-8.5k

Just out of curiousity…What did you put for condition of vehicle on the Bill of Sale form?
Never been audited…never paid more than $500 for a car. I always mark fair or poor

ive never seen a condition section on a tax form before…

WOW…You are right… I am looking at one now…There used to be a spot where you marked the condiotion of vehicle…Now I see a line on there that I have never seen before under Section 5. #5 says Is the amount on line 1d lower than fair market value(line 1d being the amount paid for said vehicle). Thats a new change to me. Granted I haven’t had to fill out any BOS in a while…I used to do it on a daily basis for a former employer. I assume that they replaced the condition part with this line.

if the seller fills out you paid xx$ for it and you are claiming the same then there isnt much they can do. but if he says one thing and you say another they could get you for fraud and tax evasion if they so choose to.

IMO there is no reason you should have to pay ANY tax on a USED vehicle. the tax was paid when it was bought new. tough shit NY.

that’s how i feel, it’s bullshit that tax is paid sometimes like 6x on any given car.

at least people in NC are lucky in the aspect that the car tax is only 3%.