Anyone buy gas tonight?

Has anyone tried buying gas tonight?

bought it earlier today like around 6ish…fuckin $3.99/gallon for premium…absolutely rediculous…worst part is that I looked at the price when I was already over $20…felt like I just got fuckin raped or something…

Smokin joes had it for $2.99 / Gallon last night. Not sure what its at now. I wouldnt put Smokin Joe’s gas in the SRT-4 though.

wow feels really weird i just got some gas in the gsx and drove around and i was like forget this and pulled out the R6 to save me some gas . These gas prices are bad

lol if it goes up another dollar ill start running 100, that hasent seemed to be affected

Hah. when premium hits teh same price as c16 race fuel…lol why not. Up the boost and run the race gas :lol:

this sucks lol

I got gas tonight, already had just over 1/2 tank and wanted to top it off before things get worse and it still cost me $21 for 1/2 tank.

i only put $25 in last night…paid about $4/gal…BAH!!!..oh well…i need gas, so i really can’t complain

i just watched the gas station across the street from my house changes there signs … premium is up another $.10 and diesil went up $.20

and i was about to head over there like 15 mins ago - shit!!!