Anyone deal with Du-All finishing?

I’m getting my rims powder coat and polished lips. There is no shop that do them both. So the guy pointed me to Du-All to get my lips polish. Never done this before so wondering how is Du-All work quality and has anyone dealt with them before? Also polished the rims first then powder coat or the other way around? Thanks.


Have you talked to LAFENGAS? He might be able to help you out, and you might be able to help him out. Maybe use the barter-system to get it cheep :tup:

I’ve talked to him. He doesn’t do polished lips. He just powder coating the rims. I was going to get the rims polished then let Lafengas do the powder coating.

powdercoating first than polish

I had them chrome some stuff for me… There polishing work is good, but whomever they use for chrome sucks.

Du-All want $400 + tax to powder coat and polish. I might do it. What do you guys think? Gloss black with polished lips??

I had DuAll finish polishing a R6 bike frame and then powder coat it clear.

Their polishing work is decent. Powder coating is good.

They deal with large quantities of parts so you need to be SPECIFIC that you want these PERFECT. This goes for any shop.

It may cost more because polishing is a very time consuming process.

Personally I think Black rims look like shit. Black makes the center of the rim look like on large shadow. It hides all the detail and it really DOESNT MATTER what the center of your rim looks like. You could spend 5 G’s on rims and the black will hide the details anyway. To see the design of the rim a person has to be like 6 feet from the car and the wheel in direct light.

I would do a Gunmetal with polished lips… gunmetal has some flake in it and can be dark while still giving the rim the look and attention it deserves after you just spent $$$$ on it.

Ask the finisher what to do first. They would know best how to approach it.

Either way the polished part of the rim MUST be powder coated clear or painted clear. It would be VERY stupid to leave it uncoated because aluminum oxidizes badly. The surface gets etched and pitted. I’ll guarantee this will happen unless you coat the lips.

Personally, i don’t like the guy at Du-All. Without being specific he was an ass and very erogant. That alone was enough for me to steer clear of him and take business elsewhere.

I would love to do this stuff for you, but I have bigger things on my plate for now. PM me and i’ll drop some names of places I reccommend. Just do me the favor and don’t go to Du-All.