Anyone do appliance repair?

I purchased an Amana top load washer from Lowes one year and one month ago.

The warranty is one year parts and labor.

Yesterday the thing started leaking water. It seems to be washing clothes fine, but is leaking all over the place and flooding my basement.

Does anybody work on these things?

This is a sub 300 dollar washer. I can’t see me spending more than $100 to repair it.

Call Lowes, maybe they will be willing to keep a happy customer and forget the extra month.

+1 call a regional office and bitch, pumps for that thing are probally like $75.00 Dont you just love the quality of appliances lately.

My 10 year old fridge just shit the bed. Out now looking to spend $800-900 :frowning:

Grab a 10% off lowes coupon at the post office (movers package)

My tenant fixes appliances on the side. He just did my dryer for $60. I guess his dad has been fixing them for years and he fills in when he has the time. Matt is my tenants name and tell him that Jordan sent you.

Dillon’s Washer Service 834-5466

I’ll have to call them today and see what they can do.

It turns out Amana is made by whirlpool, I bet they make mostly every washer that lowes sells, they just rebadge them.

My previous washer lasted over 10 years with one service call…