anyone else ever get so pissed while bidding on ebay??

i get so jacked when the same motherfucker keeps upping the price on something i want to buy. i want to punch them…i’m bidding on these custom LS1 fuel rail covers and though i was safe by bidding 170 on them when the price was at 150…no way, that bitch bumped it up again and im losing. :madfawk: :madfawk: :mad: :bash:

sounds like an ebay sniper got you. :owned: thats the name of the game thou.

haha… dude, you don’t know how pissed i get at ebay

i’m clearly addicted to searching ebay for deals. it may or may not be a problem.

ebay is the reason im broke, lol

I have a number of questionable Schlitz items because of ebay. I’m not real proud of that fact. Oh who am I trying to kid - I guess I am.

that sucks

Oh hell yeah it makes me pissed off…You gotta have superfast fingers and wait till it’s like 5 secs till the end of bid and then you bid.

My most recent purchase was a carbon fiber pen…yes I have a problem

ls1 fuel rail covers eh, why would u be bidding on those? Did u just give us a hint to what kind of car you’re getting?

i’m an addict. i got 8 pairs of nike bo jacksons because of ebay, I just reached (100) and thats all as a buyer.

02Ws6…just waitin for the guy to recieve the title in the mail so i can get it signed over… :blue:

noice, looks like i’ll be the only lt1 f-body when we get together.

i just owned that guys bitchass…upped it again. we’ll see if it holds

unless Jeff comes…but i love LT1s, so its all good. plus your car look so sweet

thanx man :bigok: . Hopefully next time you see it, it will look quite different.

i dont bid until seconds before

Fucking bidding. > you :spank:

hey, don’t forget me! :slight_smile: i finally got the distributor fixed, so it runs right for the first time in forever!

me too, i have my eye on a 268 cam for my vw. the auction is over around 9pm. i’ll place my bid with about 15 seconds left.

hahaha…sniping within the last 20 seconds = win
macho_madness ownes that guy in the end

you can get those fuel rail covers from afterthoughts …also blackz28 made his and they turned out nice