well…i do but there isnt shit to do in PITTSBURGH when your 20! i hate it and im sick off sitting at peoples house while they get drunk!
start doing illicit drugs.
i feel like a loser too course i just got off of work…and being 18…kinda leaves ya with not much to do either
Originally posted by hondagrl11
i feel like a loser toocourse i just got off of work…and being 18…kinda leaves ya with not much to do either
well me too…i work at teh mall at robinson and i just got home. the night is young but nothing to do!
illicit drugs + playastyle + hondagrl - darkstar = possibly a fun time?:eek3:
works for me :tounge:
well where the hell do you live?
west leechburg…i think thats pretty far from you
ahhh…lol i went to your site! your a kill people! what are your favorite bands?
im a kill people :tounge: haha…pretty much anything…you name it
went out came home and took more medicine- being sick sucks:eek3:
Originally posted by Shaggy
went out came home and took more medicine- being sick sucks:eek3:
when you say medicine do you mean illicit drugs?
Black velvet is legal
haha…if so…share :tounge:
i need some bacardi RAZZZZZZ and 7up. id be a happy kid!:mad: :embarass:
Originally posted by PlayaStyle92GA
i need some bacardi RAZZZZZZ and 7up. id be a happy kid!:mad: :embarass:
throw me a $20
there closed:rofl: :doh:
i need some bacardi RAZZZZZZ and 7up. id be a happy kid
hell yea
damn it! this 20 yr old thing needs to pass! id be down the boardwalk gettin tipsy! FUCK:mad:
haha…i still got a good 2 years and a couple months till i can do that
Originally posted by PlayaStyle92GA
i need some bacardi RAZZZZZZ and 7up. id be a happy kid!:mad: :embarass:
and after that you could have a zima with a jolly rancher in it…
all by yourself…
While me and hondagrl sip on our tanqueray + tonics.
high class > high school, son.
awwwwww love on pittspeed :love: