Anyone else get this message?

i got a pm from “Patricia”, no clue who this is,… anone else get a message?

I’m new here, how’s it going?

“The most fundamental harm we can do to ourselves is to remain ignorant by not having the courage and the respect to look at ourselves honestly and gently” - Pema Chodron


yeah i got exact same. probably just some stupid spam. whatever

got that like 5 months ago, tried to set up a date ,but no dice bro

ahahah thats funny

hotrodjoe… didn’t everyone think you were a cop? hahah.

I wish I had of gotten that message.

he is tryin to cover his COP FUNK :slight_smile:

Hey Joseph… stolen any plates off a cressida lately?

hahahah, yous funny brah.

cressida is played again boss!!

Lmfao, hes trying to find where keezys going to be to snatch some plates



lol yea i got the same message, but it was like when i first joined the forum

please let us know if this happens again… user deleted.

after I read your post I was like “hmmm wounder if I have a message seeing how I never check my inbox” and what do ya know there was a message from good old Patricia. lol what a slut

Happened to me to?? I was asked her what the quote was about never got an answer.


No love from Patty here :frowning:

damn Patricia sounds hot :wink:
had a crush when i was like 10 on a girl named that … allways thing of her when i hear that name again lmao

She wants your Deock

hey joe i’m going out street racing with my friends tonight, wanna come?

are you trying to be funny…