Anyone else having sinus issues?

i had it bad yesterday… today i am all drugged up, unfortunately its only benadryl

problem solved=move to florida :slight_smile:
never had a problem since i’ve been here

stop taking the claritin and benadryl shit for your runny nose. this year, my nose has ran for like 2 days and that was it. in previous years, i’d be taking claritin and the problems would run (no pun intended) on for like a month. stop and it will go away.

Meth lab?

do you think this is his stash?

I’m never sick in the summer, and this year I was sick for a few weeks with sinus problems. I sneezed about 12 times in a row the other day, and my eyes are always fucked up.

word, stop taking that shit and man up. man the fuck up. all that otc medicine is just a crutch. this is just my opinion.

I didint take anything. I only do when I get bad headaches. I am feeling alot beter now finally…although it could be because I was drinking all day…for freeee!

you didn’t take anything? like claritin?

I don’t have boogers or anything…but my sinuses are all swollen lately.

I didn’t take anything and I feel fine now…mostly.