phukkk sinuses

my sinuses are so whacked out right now.

my left nostril will clog in neg. 1 second sending snot running out of my nose quickly and uncontrollably, while my right is clean and clear. THEN when i stick a tissue in my nostril to avoid “leakage” my left eye tears up and sends the what i believe is the overflowing “leakage” out my tearduct.

this sucks:banghead:

is this a sinus infection/sinus-itus? are my sinuses trying to kill me?

sounds like u got the hiv

Claritin D. Do it.

claritin and Zyrtec are useless. this is like a super sinus infection.

If your snot is green you have an infection and need an antibiotic. Otherwise you need an antihistamine to dry your sinuses and a decongestant (Sudafed, the D in Claritin D) to de-clog your nose and ears.

the inside of my nose is so dry due to the forced air heat, and the super dry winter air.

I was waking up every day with a bloody crusty nose.

Its embarassing going to the store to buy a tub of vasoline, but that shit works.

werd… check to see if you glow in the dark.

It’s the big Casino.

Flush your brake fluid, and check for air in the lines.

The plane still won’t take off without airflow over the wings creating lift.


I have severe sinus problems. This stuff has done wonders for me.

One word for you…
Chilly Willy.

i could be mistaken but that is two words.

colored mucus is the easiest way to determine a infection.

its winter that shit happens. i wish i knew the name of some nasal spray my doctor gave me a free sample of last summer. but it seemed to do the trick.

it was a decongestant with a bit of amoxacillin in it. fixed my shit quick.

lol, take a jar/bucket of water and put one in front of each floor vent, should help with the dry air

ive had the same sinus infection for like 3 years, went to the doc, told me i had a major infection, gave me shit, didn’t work, never went back. I’m used to it now lol

yes I <3 ,s

I have horrible allergies and sinuses and I take loratadine (claritin) and dephydramine (benedryl) and that combo works wonders for me, so give that a shot.

If that doesn’t work try some pseudo maybe?

edit: It just came to mind, but Afrin is fucking amazing. Make sure you get the no drip bottle.

actually when its a yellow color thats when u have a infection