
Fuck them right in the ass with a cheesegrader.

My heads feel like it’s going to explode.

Nasal Decongestant tablets + Orange/Grapefruit Juice + Water

hot shower! steam ftw! and menthal

all of the above.

I have horrible sinuses too.

Get some Alleve Cold & Sinus. Very good for over the counter. I also boil saltwater and breathe the steam in through my nose.

For an immediate sinus-clearing remedy try this:

Boil a pot of water and put it in a large bowl, and add a tiny amount of lemon juice. Put your face over the bowl and drape a towel over your head. Take long slow deep breaths until you feel things loosen up. This will also open your pores big time. Works everytime, and it’s free.

Another thing that helps without the need for medicine, is alternately pressing on your facial bones (with yur hands) and up against the roof of your mouth (using your tongue). This action moves the vomer bone under your sinuses and causes them drain naturally.

I use the Zicam nose spray stuff, it is expensive, but it works really fast. I also take dayquil during the day and nyquil at night. If you still are congested, get one of those things that looks like a mini turkey baster and you suck up some hot salt water with it and spray it up your nose. That loosens stuff up like nothing else. Keep doing it until you have everything out. It sounds gross and is kinda nasty, but it really works.

The salt-water nasal lavage is awesome. If used regularly it can keep sinuses clear and less infection prone. Yes some would call it nasty, but the stuff that comes out actually gets more clear after a while.

I bought some “Ayr” Saline Nasal rinse kit from the pharmacy and used it when I got home just now. It’s crazy, you mix the packet with water in their little bottle, then you squeeze the little bottle and the stuff shoots up your nose.

At first I was wondering…where is this water going? Then I started to feel a little bit of pressure building in my head/sinuses, and all of the sudden, the water was coming out of the other half of my nose just as fast as I was shooting it up into the opposite side. When I stopped squeezing the bottle, the water drained out of my head, relieving the pressure, and bringing out who knows how much pollen and shit with it. It’s actually quite relaxing, a little bit like when you have a cold headache, and it goes away, but this never actually hurts. I switched back and forth, left nostril, right nostril until I used up all 6 oz.

My sinuses seem clearer now, but they weren’t too bad to begin with. It said to use warm distilled water, but I just used cold tap water, oops. I wonder how much different this is than just buying some sea-salt, mixing it with water, and shooting that up my nose?

The little pressurized saline mist bottles they sell look nice, and they’re easy to use. I tried one before, but you don’t get much product for $5 in that one. You don’t have to mix anything, but they don’t last too long. I like this one for $10 and the 6 ounce squeeze bottle much more, it includes 100 packets of powder to mix up.

When I’m shooting saline solution up my nose, I say HVLP FTW!

A sinus douche. :rofl:

Nasal Enema.

Hmm…I think I forsee a video of someone putting Mt. Dew through their sinuses.

Using hot/warm water makes a big difference, it really breaks stuff up better.

that and it relaxes the smooth muscle that surrounds your sinuses.

Whoa, you’re right. I just tried it…warm water sinus douche FTW!


I use my neti-pot every morning. I love it. I used to get sinus infections every three or four months. Since using the neti-pot I have yet to have an infection. Some ppl might think it’s gross but hey, it works for me.


just wroring thru to get my 7000th post.

don’t mind me :smiley:


