How to get rid of a stuffy nose

I was battling a cold and I came across this link well searching for some relieve because medications were doing nothing for me.

I tried it and holy crap does it work. I can breathe perfect!!! This is a must for anyone who is sick.

you cn rub water inside your nose, or under your nose and it will clear it right up.


Have someone kick you in the nuts, you’ll forget all about your nose…


It’s a hell of a drug…

aleve cold and sinus, worked great for me

Or a neti pot. They’re great.

just tried it and it does work pretty well

that is the worst feeling ever

Fuckin hippies. Take your damn sudafed.

before having a baby…i never used the saline nasal sprays. They work suprisingly quick and well. That is just a temporary relief solution though.

Sinus rinses are also quite effective. I recommend doing it while in the shower.

x2. You get over the weird feeling after the first few times. It is pretty much the most effective treatment I have yet to find.

Point 1 and above the eyebrows work wonders. Massage therapists use those two spots to drain the sinus cavities. It’s very common to actually feel the liquid and such come out while they are being drained.

non-drip afrin

it comes in a pump that shoots the afrin right up your nose and well in to your brain…safe to use more than twice a day? i doubt it…but it does clear you right up

Mentholated Halls or Vicks

^Haha. Nice.