Lets here em.
I have been coughing up mucous, I’m congested, sinuses hurt etc.
What are your remedies?
I have been taking sudafed, drixorall, mucinx, and drinking tea.
Lets here em.
I have been coughing up mucous, I’m congested, sinuses hurt etc.
What are your remedies?
I have been taking sudafed, drixorall, mucinx, and drinking tea.
I’d start with stop being a pussy
Really hot shower. One step below scalding.
And tylenol’s nighttime cold and cough before bed.
Sleep, lots of it. Take some of that Airborne stuff its an ammune system booster thats supposed to help fight off things like colds.
I’ve got the some issues…
I’m eating/taking in lots of Vitamin C (oranges/grapefruit) and complaining about being sick.
everyone is sick right now. best thing to do is get into your WW2 underground bunker and live in there for a couple weeks till this virus passes.
if ur snot is yellow/green ya might have an infection and need an Rx…if it’s clear then maybe try Zicam or the 'ol standby: NyQuil…another thing that’s kind of an “old world” remedy is drinking warm wine…preferrably red…put like 1/2 cup or so in a sauce pan, add some sugar, and heat it up on da stove til its just boiling…turn off stove (most important part here…lol)…inhale the vapors…pour in a cup and drink away
crack, twice a day at least
I think thats how i got sick
I was told to try nasal irrigation and it really worked for me. You need an apparatus to put the solution into in order to funnel it into your nose. You take warm water, not too hot, but not cold, add salt and stir. They make something for this but a turkey baster works, fill the apparatus with the solution tilt your head to one side and insert the end into which ever nostril is on top then slowly pour in. It will run through and come out the other side. Then do the other side. After do not blow your nose hard, and do not plug one side and blow the other. Let the solution break down the mucous. Within no time your face will be leaking all sorts of gross fluids and you will feel 10x better. Blow your nose, both sides at a time. Repeat as necessary. I just did this the a week or two ago and haven’t been congested since.
The best thing are Fishermans Friend cough drops. They are the most amazing things in the world when you have a cold.
Assuming that there are no other special details about other symptoms or other things unique to you, here is what a doctor will tell you for over-the-counter remedies:
I have been coughing up mucous
Guaifenesin aka plain robitussin. It’s an expextorant and will help you bring up the mucous. If you have or develop a hacking cough in addition to that then take robitussin DM. The DM part is dextromethorphan, a cough supressant. If it turns into just a hacking cough then you don’t need the guaifenesin so take buckleys or delsym, which is pure DM.
I’m congested, sinuses hurt etc.
Pseudoephedrine aka Sudafed. Don’t get the weak shit that they can stock the shelves with. Go to the pharmacy and ask for real Sudafed. It can be made into speed pretty easily so they stopped allowing it to be stocked on the shelves. You don’t need a prescription, but the pharmacist sells it at their discrection so that 18 year old kids can’t buy 300 pills at a time.
sinuses hurt
Add Ibuprofen aka Motrin aka Advil to your drug cocktail. Reduces inflammation and relieves pain.
Yes you can take all of these together. Many different medicines combine them into a single dose, but I prefer to roll my own so that I take everything I need and nothing I don’t.
Don’t overdo it with the Sudafed. Follow the instructions.
ahem With a doctor’s guidance/permission, you can take quite a bit more guaifenesin and ibuprofen than what the label says. I personally have taken double doses of guaifenesin if I’ve got a nasty productive cough.
If you run a fever or the mucous is or turns green then you’ve got an infection and should probably get an antibiotic from a doctor.
Drink lots of fluids. It’ll help with the congestion. Try not to interperet this as alcohol. Alcohol weakens your immune system, which is working overtime right now.
I was a pharmacy technician for 5 years.
And as always, buy generics whenever possible. They are always the EXACT same drug, so when buying brand name all you get is a fancier label.
the commercials are right but 2 or 3 days of that shit and that cough,cold,running nose,HIV,and/or hep c is gone
No. Buckleys is pure dextromethorphan. It is a cough supressant and only a cough supressant. You do not want to supress a productive cough unless you want pneumonia.
that nasal spray stuff really helps. spray it every ~6 hours. available at every drugstore or wilson farms
take like 10 triple C’s
that nasal spray stuff really helps. spray it every ~6 hours. available at every drugstore or wilson farms
Afrin, that shit works wonders. Get the no drip shit tho.