Cold Remedies


No. Buckleys is pure dextromethorphan. It is a cough supressant and only a cough supressant. You do not want to supress a productive cough unless you want pneumonia.


sweet, i’m going to give myseld pneumonia. do you speak from personal experience?

[quote=“Mrs. Karus,post:21,topic:38857"”]

sweet, i’m going to give myseld pneumonia. do you speak from personal experience?



I was a pharmacy technician for 5 years. :slight_smile:


Granted it would have to be a severe case to actually get pneumonia, but the point is that you do not want to supress a productive cough thereby keeping fluid in your lungs. If you’re hacking AND productive then take Robitussin DM so that you’re still bringing up the phlegm but not hacking away at your vocal folds.

You are my new doctor on the board. congrats.

You want to play doctor?

Great. Now Locutus is going to hack my shit and steal my identity. :ohnoes:

I just got over pnemonia a few weeks ago and my God did that suck!

Pnemonia + smoking Newports = FUCKING SUCKS!!! COULDNT BREATHE FOR LIKE THREE WEEKS!!! Not to mention the antibiotics for it cost me 65 fucking dollars for 6 pills

ah MFer! my nose is getting runny and i have a scratchy lump in my throat


[quote=“Toda Party,post:26,topic:38857"”]

ah MFer! my nose is getting runny and i have a scratchy lump in my throat



I hope you get sick tomorrow


daily garlic supplements

you reactive mofo