Chris07ss's Guide to getting through this year's cold/flu season

I know everybody has their own remedies for getting through the sniffling, eye-watering, coughing, sneezing, inability to sleep season that is coming up. This year, I decided to try something a little different (and more expensive).

Zicam. I didn’t expect anything of this stuff, except for the draining of the cash in my wallet. Oh well, at least the bottles look cool sitting on my dresser.

It does work, though. I took the rapidmelts at my first sign of a cold/flu (sore throat and head congestion) and honest to god it worked. The symptoms didn’t get any worse! I was amazed and expected to awaken this morning like I usually do every year after I get those first symptoms, which is a POUNDING headache after a night of not being able to sleep, wicked sore throat, running nose, and cough. Now I did have these symptoms, but they were minor and nothing compared to last year’s cold I had around this time of year that had me out of school/work for a good week.

I also picked up two bottles of Zicam liquid, both the day and night time formula. I haven’t tried it yet but I am expecting good things after taking the rapidmelts. I feel decent enough to go to school and work tomorrow, so it’s money well spent if you ask me.

What do you guys take when you have the cold/flu? Or are you stuck in the 1970’s and choose to battle it out using home remedies. :lol

Total spent so far:

Rapidmelts: 11.49
Daytime Liquid Formula: 5.99
Nighttime Liquid Formula: 5.99

Total (w/ tax): 25.34

Total classes missed: 0
Total work days missed: 0

Not everything is the flu or cold, brah.

When you have a headache, sore throat, nasal congestion, and coughing/sneezing at the same time, I think it’s referred to as the common cold. :lol

I’ve used zicam before its good stuff. I wish I picked some up last week when I first started getting a cold. Now I’ve got a pretty bad chest cold going on.

i tend to wash my hands alot and stay the fuck away from skeezy people who are sick… that is my prevention.


i’ve been begging my g/f to go to the doctor, she’s had a bad cough for the past month so i have a feeling my flu season might be starting soon


You didnt hear that zicam can make you lose your sense of smell? I used to take it all the time and stopped immediatly when I heard that, it works great but Im not taking a chance with that.

Really?? Shit… Im not taking it anymore either!

That’s only for the nasal spray/swabs, basically only the kind you put directly into your nose.

The ones I listed do not apply to that. :slight_smile:

I did my research beforehand. :lol

But those are the ones that work really fucking good, Ive had mixed results with the other zicam products. The nasal spray or swabs along with dayquil/nyquil and then some aspirin was the flu killer combo.

I think I’m gonna try out some Mucinex later. I need a good expectorant to get the mucus out of my lungs. I’ve heard it makes your pee smell bad but if it can allow me to take a deep breath bring on the stinky piss.


:rofl:rofl:rofl. Well boss I have tried day time, night time, tea, cough drops, thera flu, advil only because I have been coughing so much I have a massive headache where my head feels like its going to explode, zicam, delsym, hot & sour soup, ginger roots, garlic cloves and now the doctor gave me this liquid Ambuteral or some shit I have to put in a machine and inhale this vapor and still I have been mad sick now for 8 days and counting still coughing till it looks like me eyes bleed, ribs hurt, stomach aches an skull still feels like my brain is going to explode out of it. Still my sleep schedule is all fuct up and nothing seems to be working. This only happens to me every few years though so I am trying to deal with it the best I can. At least I am over the part of feeling like my limbs are so cold I cant feel them anymore.

I started with a nasal cold last week, around Tuesday night or so, then around friday it started migrating to my throat. Then I woke up Sat morning wheezing and short of breath. The fact that I slept outside camping and it got below freezing up in NH probably didnt help much. Also I decided to Hike Mount Washington on Sat as well, hoping that maybe the exercise would clear me out. Well it was probably the dumbest thing I could have done and come Sat night I was pretty much in my own little delusional world of sickness. I woke up Sunday feeling even worse, my buddy said he could hear me talking in my sleep all night like I was kinda half in half out of sleep. Now today I feel a bit better. My lungs are a little less tight but I still have a ton of mucus and such in my lungs and my breaths are very wheezy, which is the worst because I walk up a flight of stairs or something and feel out of breath. But I think I am finally past the worst part. I usually get a sickness like this every year around the transition of summer and fall. Starts out as a minor cold then it ends up kicking my ass for a day or three, then I am left with a barking cough for a week or two but feel okay.

I use 3 things when I have a cold… and well when I get a cold I get it bad, it sucks I have a shitty immune system.

Zicam is the titties, been using it for 3 years now and as long as you take it as soon as you have symptoms it will help it from getting horribly unbareable like i usualy get.

Anyways I use Zicam,

and Sinus buster << Good shit when your really stuffed up, works like a charm and it has some natural shit in it that helps shorten the cold as well.

Those 2 paired together depending on how bad the cold is to begin with will keep it from getting bad and will get you feeling better in a few days…

Then I use Nyquil for sleepy time, mainly because i wont wake up so I dont care how stuffed up i am

+1 for TheraFlu, nothing else I’ve tried helps for the fun of the mill common cold.
Unfortunately, I’ve been prone to bronchitis lately. I just had it for the second time in a year. Awesome. I
nterested to see how I make out recovering from bronchitis and spending two days in 40* and pouring rain.

I keep a bottle of zicam at my desk at all times at work. The slightest runny eye or sniffle and down the hatch they go.

I also find that covering you face during cold weather with a scarf keeps you a lot healthier.

I also drink lots of green, white and pomegranite tea when I feel crappy. Lots of good stuff in there to boost the immune system and just pep you up in general

I hope there isn’t a next time this year, but if there is I may have to give Zicam a try since so many people are a fan.

tea and brandy makes for an awsome cold remedy…

I got very sick, I thought I had pneumonia again… I also had a sinus infection…

Thruout the day I finished a whole bottle of brandy with my hot tea

I woke up the next morning and aside from my chest… My head, nasal passages were free and felt amazing

I think mainly i felt so good due to the tea/brandy causing me to sweat like a fuckin wilda beast

That’s the exact Zicam I have been popping every 3 hours for the past day or so. I also am taking the liquid nighttime and daytime Zicam every 4 hours.

Which reminds me it’s about time for another dose. :lol