i've been coughing for a week aaaagggghhhh

since mid last week I got this cough and I can’t fucking get rid of it. I can’t sleep at all because I just keep coughing.

last night was the most sleep I got in 4 days and it was only for about 4 hours.

I take Nyquil everynight, even tried taking it with some Tylenol PM in hopes that it would knock me out, but nope. still coughing like a bastard.

any suggestions or remedies that might work?

It’s the kind of cough that tickles that back of your throat, and what sucks the most is that it’s worse when I lie down… .Uuuuggghhhh

Have you been drinking? If not that I would prescribe 5 shots of cheap whiskey.

Either that or sinus drainage due to the season.

stay active and keep your immune system going? i’m sure that will fight it…

Whenever I’m sick i go outside and absorb some rays and play some ball… sickness gone in no time

i drank on the weekend and it made matters worse :tdown:. not that it was unexpected.

My body has not been happy at all since I came back from hawaii. the climate change probably has alot to do with it.

i’ve been outside everyday afterwork getting things done on the car and staying busy, but no luck on that. That’s how I normally go about being sick, but it isn’t working this time.

The only thing you can do for a “hacking” (rather than productive phlegmy) cough is take the only over-the-counter cough “suppressant” there is: dextromethorphan hbr aka the “DM” in robitussin DM. The best is either Buckleys or Delsym. While there is some DM in nyquil, there’s not much. Buckley’s and Delsym are both pure DM. You can get them both at any drug store or grocery store. IIRC Delsym is a higher concentration. Get that one.

If you haven’t been focusing on taking a cough supressant, then Delsym will probably work wonders for you. DM really works pretty well.

If that still doesn’t work you’ll need a prescription cough medicine like Tussionex.

I was a certified pharmacy technician for 5 years. :wink:


Take 2 benadryl’s with the delsym to help you sleep. Don’t worry, it’s safe. The PM part of tylenol PM (or any other over the counter sleep aid) is benadryl aka diphenhydramine hcl.

If you still can’t get decent sleep an hour after a dose of delsym and a dose of benadryl then it might be time to go see a doctor to get something stronger.

^ clutch my friend.

you say it with such confidence that it makes me feel better without even taking medicine haha.

I just took some robitussin so hopefully that will help.

I’ll let ya know how it worked in the am.

lol I know my medicines. :slight_smile:

My first thought when opening this thread was definitely not “I may learn something useful by opening this thread”

Buckleys is hands down the best I have had for nasty coughs. Im pretty sure the Target pharmacy carries it.

Take a benadryl as well to reduce any irritation

Also, Benadryl is a trademark name, think of “grab me a Kleenex” when you want a facial tissue, yeah - diphenhydramine hydrochloride is available in a generic form.

Equate makes a 25mg version that is inexpensive but effective. Take a half-tab until you know what it will do to you - give it 45 mins. to an hour for full pull. When it kicks, it’ll do so abruptly.

well it’s the a.m.

worked great for stopping me from coughing wen I was trying to get to sleep. :tup: thanks for all the advice.

now I just need to go to sleep earlier.


oh BTW- im on day 3 of having this stupid cough thing.

Yeah actually, while Buckleys and Delsym have the same active ingredient, I forgot that Buckleys has a fuck ton of menthol in it. That’s why it tastes like ass, and also helps it work. It’s kind of like applying vic’s vaporub directly to your throat.

I’ve got the same cough. It’s allergies. Make sure you breathe thru your nose at night it really helps cut down on the tickle/irritation.


Thats what I buy…----> Walmart