HELP----->Im sick as a fuck!

So…I have a killer headhache, my sinuses are all clogged up, my nose is plugged, my throat is killing me, im couching and sneezing like crazy, I cant smeel anything or taste anything, my eyes are watery and my ears are plugged.

Anyone know what this can be?..people are saying I might have a sinus infection but im not sure. I DONT have health insurance so i’d like to know what can I buy that is OVER THE COUNTER that will help me out. I have been taking Tylenol Severe Congestion and it has barely helped and I have been taking chloroseptic tabs that have hepled with the throat pain but when I cough it feels horrible.

Help me out people I need to get better ASAP!..Thanks!

Stop being a poor little bitch and go to the doctors if you’re that concerned.

/thread, mods please close.

you need a nice WHITE young slut…(lol call my sister…she has a new # now do you need it… ok it was a joke)

take two of them and call

<~~~ this guy in the morning

its all you need nick guy

Any depressant really…

Aim for Heroin but worst case scenario stick with the booze

You need to get better ASAP? really? I like to hold onto an illness and let it gradually go away…I never want to feel better ASAP. Idiot.

Why is everyone on here so bad at the internets?

LOL…wat an asshole…im sure she has a new number now, that crazy…3 years down the drain!

oh yea wats the number?..LOL

never been sick before?

suck it up and go to the doctor, before it turns into something that will be much worse and ends up costing you alot more anyways

Doctors, along with calling the cops is for pussies.

here we go again, tough guy purextc checking in :rofl:

I got this same shit today…on my bday. awesome.

I swear it is something thats going around cuz my boss is getting it and this guy I was working with a couple days back had it as well…it blows!

Happy Birthday anyways!

drink as much water as possible.

nick i dont know what happend did they break up??

i remember my first cold.

*are for pussies

Yea something like that…I thought maybe you would have known, being her brother and all.

sorry, but this is going into homosexual undertones

how sick is a fuck?

I rarely get sick, I get sick once a year if that. But when I get sick it hits me bad.