anyone else in love with E34 M5's?

Last of the hand made ///M’s with a 3.8 I-6

I just wish that they where easier to find.

actually i dislike those m’s the most for some reason. Probably because the body styling.:shrug:


i was never really a fan of that body either

I like them. Especially with those parallel spoke wheels.

I thought the m3 csl was also hand built?

its my fav. im super jelous of that kid on the board who owns one:)

Ill take a E39, if used prices drop significantly I would love to get one

While I’m not in love with the car I do think it looks pretty good…I wouldn’t mind having one. The E39 I thought looked a little too bland…

S38 > S62

That is all.

To bad the model you posted (last generation with the 3.8L, upgraded interior/wheels/shocks/kidneys/hood) was never imported to the USA.
I’ve got a few things laying around from mine :wink:
S38 > *

They’re pretty low as it is right now.

hmmm thought the 95 model came with the 3.8, but the website is probably wrong.

Now that I think about it, I believe you are correct. The numbers were incredibly low though.

i totally agree with you… my favorite M