Anyone else see the GT40 downtown Saturday?

Saturday night for a kick ass time, on the way to the first club, Steve (soopa7fly) and I see a red GT40 driving down the street… I was in shock, and awe at this thing! A GT40 in buffalo?! In cold weather?

Anyone else see it around?


A Ford GT. No GT40…

ive seen a red one parked at the OP country club a few times over summer

The red one with white racing stripes is always DT. I’ve seen it at least 5 times. It’s always near Darcy Magee’s.

Not a fan…

Its the owner of Chop House and a few other places DT

yeah, I’ve seen a red one in between EA and OP before

Chop house,Darcy mcgees, skybar, warehaus, loughlins…

Mark Croce …good friends with my boss…this guy is about 300lbs…i dunno how he fits in that car…but i saw him manage to get into as he was leaving my salon over the summer…

You’re just jealous because its faster than a Lotus… :stuck_out_tongue:

that must make joe a very jealous guy :stuck_out_tongue:

The one thats in OP and EA is owned by an elderly man who owns an isurance company located In EA next to the post office. He also owns a BMW Z9.

They are nice cars. Still would rather have a ZO6 over it but yes they are still nice.

That’s probably the guy, he has a place on Sunset too.


I’ve decided to tell my significant other I’m about to have an affair. she weighs just over 3,000 lbs. :stuck_out_tongue:

get tom away from that car.

Ya that sorta looks like him. He could possibly be even older

Really he owns a concept car that was never produced and eventually became the new BMW 6 series?

Fuck, he’s a baller.

saw a red GT parked in a garage of a beach house at sunset once…must be him