Anyone enjoy their autos today?

There was lots of tire smoke, and loudness and I enjoyed it! Even more thumbs up and rubber necking.

Pics of said burnouts or ban.

404 burnout not found

my car shared a garage with a black/carbon fiber striped challenger for some of the winter.

Badass cars, stock mufflers sound sexy too.

My 85 year old neighbor just bought a black Challenger, I’m just WAITING for her to do a heater past my house.

theres a guy thats been drivign an identical one around here for a few days now, i thought it was yours at first but you havent had yours out either way gets a big thumbs up from

I seem to enjoy my car much more when there is about 6" of snow on the roads…

Yea i just took her out today, mom wanted a ride, got a slap in the face when i did a 100 foot burn out. But it was well worth it.

LOL @ “enjoy there autos” and an even larger LOL @ having a $45k car, along with a $35k Tundra and a $30k R32 and whatever else you have and living in that neighborhood.

You truely are a car guy. Props to buying what you want car wise, regardless if its holds you back from good real estate. :tup:

It was 81 today. I enjoyed the weather but did not enjoy the auto.

PS - The car looks good. I had the chance to enjoy the same exact one about 7 months ago.

I pulled mine out and took it for a short spin.
Put it back in storage and heading back to Detroit.

The r32 is the ex’s car, which i helped pay for so i lost my ass! But now i can really h8 on vw and not feel bad about it. :mamoru:

:mamoru:Great license plate you got THEIR

Ah gramar, 2 hard for my brain.

i enjoy my auto everyday…
unfortunately :frowning:


Why did you break up? Did it have to do with the guy she was sleeping with that was smashing her mirrors off?

+1, I think I got a tan today.

Was busy with family, so no convertible time for me. Will be bombing around with the top down after work tomorrow though.

Haha probly was!