Anyone ever buy from

I bought my first thing on there the other day. Pretty cool website. Has anyone bought a surprise bag? I think people have got xbox360’s, cameras, etc.


order there alot actually.

I love the FAQ. Basically everything is “if you don’t like it, piss off.” That’s my kind of thinking.

Since the beginning!

I like how they’ve expanded with shirt & wine woot.

I cant wait for another woot off.

Looks like a good deal on there now for that camera. If I didnt buy a new camera last week I would have picked this up.

A guy I work with orders stuff from there now and then, he showed it to me a while ago but I haven’t ordered anything yet.

ive bought a couple small things on there. the wootoffs are fun.

my friend bought a grab bag thing and got a 360.

Nice, did it work? Did it come with anything else?

my girlfriend is addicted to that site

Yea the two things I got were small like $20-30 items.

The friend who got the Xbox was fine. It was a core system which was cheaper but for a $5 grab bag, he wasnt complaining. Worked great and still is working now.

hrmmm./ never did. must try today :stuck_out_tongue:

Woot is awesome.

However - the camera is ok. My friend has that camera and even compared to my 5 year old Canon Powershot A510, the pictures come out sort of unclear, despite being 7MP.

I LOVE widescreen shots however, and this camera is very inexpensive when it comes to that genre. The touchscreen is also a pretty cool feature - especially when you are at a club and you are showing girls pictures and you start touching the screen and they are like “ohhhh, that’s so cool!”

However, the battery life blows and we were only able to get about 90 pictures of it because of the “oooo and ahhhs” we got out of the touchscreen. Everyone wanted to look at the pictures, and everyone wanted to touch the screen.

The wide angle is definitely hot though, and this camera was definitely smallish.

That is a good deal if you are looking for a touch screen / wideangle / inexpensive digicam with accessories… but if you are even a bit picky about how your pictures come out, stay away…

so one new item comes up every day?

not sure how this works

woot ftw

woot sells 1 item a day til it gone. They wont have a new item until the next day unless it is a woot-a-thon. you can catch a lot of nice stuff on there. You can catch scandisk MP3 players on there cheap

I love woot.

Its not high end stuff, but usually decent for what it is - Say Target level stuff.

A ton of steals can be had during wootoffs…

Bought from them prolly 4-5 times in the last ~5 years.

Side deals:

Just picked up 2 500GB drives.

o bought the suprise bag and got a huge set off cookin knives

wheres the suprise bag option?