Anyone ever deal with Toronto JDM?

im kinda sorta thinking about swapping my cb7 accord in the spring :bloated: nothing for sure yet, just an idea.

anyone ever do business with Toronto JDM? the price for a h22a is $2400 shipped to anywhere in the usa, i was thinking about picking it up for a little extra cash, prob would be right around $2k w/o shipping

can anyone speak from experience? or anyone have any other suggestions where to pick up an h22a? must be jdm, 5-speed w/ lsd


They’re one of our vendors on SON and have been thinking of becoming a vendor here actually. Good things from what I hear :tup:

Here is a link to their vendor forum on SON:

sweet, thanks josh. their motors look sooooo clean

im thinking why not spend the extra ~ $500-$1k and get something i know is good quality, ya know?

Do they take requests for engines…?


Jam, I hate that you dream about swapped accords.