so a kid in the late 1700’s was walking through the woods on oak island, off the coast of nova scota and saw what appered to be a pulley system in a tree. he dug directly under the pully and found a solid stone laid in the ground. he and his friends dug further and further finding more stone, or wood every 10 feet or so in an arangment that had to have been placed by humans.
so long story short, hundreds of people over the course of 200 years have tried to get to the bottom of this island. some think there is pirates treasure, some think there is parchment from the times of shakespere, or even jesus christ. fortunes have been lost, as well as lives. an underground water system was discovered that will flood the hole anytime someone gets close to what lays at the bottom.
i read the original article in rolling stone a few years back and have been intrigued by it ever since. i tried to find some information on it but google doesnt help much, and i cant find the goddamn rolling stone article, its pissing me off it was such a good read…
anyone else heard of this?