Anyone for FLUSH?>?? Caution: Exceeds Baller Quotient for Today.

WOAH. is all I can say.

this is far too baller for me. :slight_smile: Just upped the game to another level. LOL…

that looks disgusting to me

no good

how can you say that!!! that’s sooo flush man… sick skyline too… so jdm

Fiddy diddy

Doesn’t look good at all…:S

And how is that flush?

lmao fidddddiidamn! stop hating ppl

sorry i forgot to use the sarcasm quotes… ppl take things too seriously…

what exactly are the rims flush with…his foot?, those are anything but flush

yea man his foot counts as part of the fender…

Do you guys know what the meaning of FLUSH?

That is POKE!

lol whoa people take this too serious

Flush means FLAT, and they usually refer flush to the tires, not the rims. Here are some prime example of flush.

damn hella flush

Saw this on Hella Flush, SOOOOOOO HOT

Maybe it is just me but everytime i look at the Genesis i see…

i think over fenders are a must at this point lol

saw these the other night. They look killer with the huge dish and black spoke design. Just need some serious widebody though.

and how do people not get the sarcasm in the use of “flush” in this topic. lol

LOL. GUYS, RELAX!! don’t cha all know the meaning of SARCASM! nice “flush” pics though? who’s cars are those?

A friend of mine let me borrow them so i had to put them on for one night! Despite raising my coil-overs 20 turns lol. 19x13?!?!?!? i couldn’t resist!

and if you dont’ think it looks good at all, thank thats your opinion,
but frankly,

i dont’ give a monkey’s nutsack about what is COOL on SON or what is JDM TIGHT!!

After smashing my plastic over fenders shrugs i will be going back to my tiny little 18x10 with 255/40R18s (slight stretch) and slamming it.

Its all good, and it was fun!

NE WAYS, Rims are for sale. mounted and BALANCED!!

MORE PICS OF SEXY RIMS PLEASE. i’ll miss them when there gone…

the end…