All I need is a photo, scan, whatever of the year on a new parking pass.
“valid through August '08”. Just that part
And If you want to be really sweet, if you have an EMP pass, just the part that says EMP. Not the # below it.
Im modding my parking pass from my freshman year, which happens to be yellow, and I want to get a new date, and get rid of the “STU”
I appreciate it!
I’ll be in hayes for another 5 minutes. Monday I have class 8:30-9:50 and 1-4. I’ll be in hayes in the meantime probably.
call me whenever
I’ll be in hayes for another 5 minutes. Monday I have class 8:30-9:50 and 1-4. I’ll be in hayes in the meantime probably.
call me whenever
Im on campus once a week…
If nobody can help me, ill just roll through with my SLR + Big lens lol…
ha i just found the 04 pass too…nice, appears to be a brighter yellow tho
is yellow the faculty color or something? cause student parking this year is blue.
if you want I can just scan it for you on monday, let me know your e-mail. all you want is the main side, that has “valid through August '08” right?
Mmm I remember back in freshman year.
Photoscanned handicap parking permit.
Photoscanned faculty parking permit.
The days of driving to every class in winter because of being lazy.
rgr all I need is the date
Why stop at the faculty tag - Service Tag ownz