Anyone going out tonight?

Any time Ive been theres its been like 3 guys there. Boring.

You gotta take the bad with the good at our current spot I think.

Weve tried other spots like Latham Farms (about 8 people came) and Latham Advance Auto (a joke and forever and a day to get to a racing spot).

the lot is just pure entertainment… the comedy that i see there every weekend keeps me coming back for more.

i really only go to see the shit go on ,as obv ya cant get a run in anymore without almost gettin shot lolol

i’ll be there, my ho’s!!!

kind of like with shift !!:excited

invite spot or normal site?


invite more laid back.

i havent been to the lot in a long time now. not scared of those idiots, just dont have time, and to be honest, i dont miss it. if i had a chance to make it out, id rather hit the other spot… smaller, more relaxed, no pre-prubescent kids running around

For sure and even several of us regulars were making the entertainment continue on Friday

Slow Camaros cant even race slow F150’s without trouble now


i’m sure they don’t miss u either:rofl with all the e muscle flexing going on in all.:bowdown

and my neck feels better without Brett hanging off it

dude it was off the hook with retardation the other night… well worth the trip out :rofl

dont try to be a tough guy then and i wont choke you. :excited

standing 69 wit brett ??:lol

HAHAH!!! +rep

Sure was. Piss burnouts ftw.

I dont remember trying to be a tough guy

hell no

nope unlike PB&J, i like women, just peanutbutterjelly trying to show off retard strength, resulting in choking.

dude that was great

Next weekend is Americade. Anybody wanna go there instead of the lot one night?