anyone got a USB Flash drive they dont need?

want to hook a nigga up? :naughty:

Gotta move files between the home comp and work. I dont have 3.5" drive in my new computer, and the computers at work dont have burners. :hs:

aim overnight

computers at work dont have AIM. plus ever since I moved over to a cable modem it wont let me send files via AIM. and It would just be nice to have something that I can have all my files on that I can have with me at all times.

buy one you cheap asshole… haha

i’ll give you one that’s like 16 meg that i got for free at a conference… but i’d also like to have a 1 gig one…

yeah I probably will. But you never know who on here has something laying around that they want rid of anyways. Ever since Jeff96ta hooked me up with a set of speakers he didnt want, I always ask here first. :wink:

edit: I saw ones that go up to 4GB. My first computer only had a 600mb HDD. :hs: