Anyone got an appliance repair guy?

I got a fridge thats acting up. fan blows etc… but its not getting cold, I assume the compressor or what ever turns it on is bad. I dont have A/C equipt. anyone know a guy??

god i hate new appliances this thing is 6 yrs old and i’ve had to replace stuff twice. Appliances used to last 15-20 years wtf??

planned obsolescence FTL

PM sent.

fridge model number?

I came home to look at it the compressor is very warm after being unplugged for an hour

Is there ice buildup anywhere?

compressor is not turning on i figure either the compressor, over load switch, or capacitor. Either way i have no gages or R134 so i’m screwed on doing it myself

If the compressor is bad you may be almost better off getting a new one after paying for the service call and compressor. If its under warranty then disregard my post.

any better idea on what might be broken?

I just buy the Tappan fridge for 400 bucks at Lowes, then use the 10% off coupon, and get them to deliver it for free.

Use Al pawlik appliances in N falls.They did a few things for me in the past and were pretty cheap and decent too

Thanks for the suggestions. A member here’s father is in the biz. i have a call into him.