anyone got crazy pets?

My second Princess Lexus

lol devin… cat in the tire

You are welcome to come to my home anytime you wouild like and play with him Mark. JUst dont try and beat me up, i dont know how i would handle the fear.

lol it was just hard to believe because apparently feeding coffee and bread to your bird can kill it but I guess you were joking about that…

nope , hes been doing it for 10 years , still alive, eats beef, chicken, coffee, tea, he likes beer and whiskey, bread roti, curry, rice, pretty much anything he sees he eats , he eats what we eat , Necer gets sick, maybe his system is used to it cause he been doing it for so long. that what the vet told us too, but she also said that we shouldnt change his diet at this age because he may feel that he is in trouble and get all girly emotional rip out his feathers , seriously if u dont belive me ask S13GG

Holy fuck man, that’s crazy! Post some pics or videos, I’d love to see him! Does he require tons of attention? I’ve heard that they are attention whores.

Its like having a three year old man, if were around he can’t stand being in the cage, he knows how to get my mom to do what he wants very well, honestly bro, i dont have a digi cam or i would post up some pics, ill see what i can do about borrowing one, hard to catch hm on camera though especially if he sees the camera, like i said lemme see what i can do. but as far as being an attention whore goes yes he is , big time , if there are people around he’ll dance or be cute

here’s my baby, he went from this…

to this…

^ i gotta find i shot of my dog we can have cage fight i got a 120lbs golden lab she might just play dead tho lmao

lol, he’d just try and play/mount her, lmao

haha lmao she`s spaded so he can have at her $0.50 per mount

lol, can i just get a running tab?


I give him ice cubes, %50 of the time he throws them back at me.

haha wow wtf!

not kidding man , seriously mark , if u wanna come by and play with him u can, i used to bring him out to the local meets all the time , but he hasnt been in a car for a long time so he gets car sick now, and when hes in the car he shits every 12-15 min, and if he doesnt get a break he either shits in the car , or pukes in the car

Hector I’d love to meet him but too bad you are pretty far away from me! However… if I do happen to make the trip to kitchener, I’ll give you a shout and maybe stop by :slight_smile:

Sounds like a pretty cool cockatoo

My 17 year old Rosie…

My big bitch, 8.5" leg span, size of a small plate…

Smaller Rosie, she has like an irradescent pink sheen on her, but this pic dosent capture it

Baby Cobalt blue, died as a juvenile…

Usumbara Orange baboon, nastiest creature I’ve ever met…


Kilimanjaro mustard baboon, very nasty critter, tried to attack me many times…

You can see some videos here on my youtube page of them eating and stuff…